Zane’s watching me amused. “I see you can walk now?” he asks, breaking his earlier silence. I look up at him confused, then follow his gaze down to the bandage around my ankle.

“Oh that, yeah thanks for that. The swelling seems to have gone down. It only tingles a bit and goes slightly numb but I figure it’s from walking on it.” His face contorts and turns serious for a moment before he sets his cup down and steps toward me.

“The bandage might be too tight and therefore cutting off your circulation. We should loosen it up. Follow me.” Without waiting for my response he grabs my wrist and tugs me to follow him.

“It’s fine really,'' I snap, looking down at his hand grasping my wrist. As if realizing what he’s doing he quickly releases me. “I’ll just do that later.”

“Nonsense. I’ll do it. Come with me,” he commands, motioning to the den. “Chloe, why don’t you grab our plates and the hot cocoa and bring it with us. I brought most of the boxes up but there may be a few left down in the basement if you want to check while I redo Avery’s bandage,” he adds, his stern gaze not once leaving mine. Green eyes stare deep into mine looking for well I’m not sure what they search for.

“Yeah sure,” Chloe obeys, jumping down from her seat. “I’ll go get the boxes and then bring the food over.”

I look at her with adon’t leave me aloneexpression, but she shrugs it off heading down the hall toward where I assume the basement is.

With nowhere left to go I follow Zane into the den, instantly spotting the giant pine tree taking over the room. “Holy shit. That’s a gigantic tree,” I blurt out when I see the monstrosity. “I mean it’s pretty, all majestic looking but it’s fucking huge.”

Ignoring my comment Zane grunts turning to me with a death glare like I’ve said something wrong.

“Sit,” he commands, reaching for the first-aid kit from last night still sitting on the end table and moving to sit on the ottoman. He grabs the pair of scissors and compression tape he used last night and turns to me with a deep scowl. “I said sit.”

Only if it’s on your face, my subconscious sneers.

Though I bite down hard on my tongue and fight the urge to say some snarky remark that will get me stabbed with the weapon in his hand, or worse with the so-called ax he has lying around.

I sit, deciding I’ll play along just this once, actually eager to be rid of the stupid bandage killing my look.

In the little time I’ve known Zane, all sixteen hours, it seems like he needs to feel in control at all times, given the fact he’s cooking all of Chloe’s favorite things and even playing along with her Christmas crazy. I’m betting he also likes to feel needed. Which is why he’s playing the role ofhothero doctoronly to his unsuspecting surprise, he’s about to find out I’m nodamsel in distress patient.

“So what’s the diagnosis today, Doc?” I ask in my sultriest voice, extending my hurt ankle, and bending my other leg up to my ass. Just as expected, his gaze trails up my bare skin landing right on the hem of my shorts which barely cover my crotch. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows hard, his ardent gaze meeting mine.

Shit. I didn’t quite think this through. This man is deliciously sinful and dangerous. I shouldn’t be teasing him this way. But it’s just so much fun to see him all worked up.

His hand finds my ankle, softly touching the skin around the bruised area, as he slowly and meticulously unwraps the bandage making sure to not apply too much pressure as he does. He reaches for a bottle of lotion and squirts a quarter-size amount into his palm. Without announcing what he’s about to do, he massages the cream onto my still slightly swollen ankle, his fingers expertly moving against my skin.

It feels amazing, goosebumps covering every inch of my skin as he continues to rub me in delicate circles, applying a touch of pressure when he smooths over the tightness on my arch.

I inhale sharply as a twinge of pain shoots up my leg, a soft tingling sensation crashing into me right after.

“Are you cold?” Zane murmurs, his voice thick and coated in lust as his gaze trails over the chill marks on my skin.

“No,” I moan breathily, throwing my head back at the sensation, unable to look him in the eye. This feels dirty. “It’s actually a little warm,” I whimper, slowly pushing my strap down my shoulder.

He stops massaging my foot, and I swear I hear a low growl escape his lips. He stops massaging my foot, and I swear I hear a low growl escape his lips.

His fingers are rough and calloused, proof this man doesn’t sit in an office all day. His hands show traces of a real man who works hard and has the scars to prove it.

In the next instant, his hand continues massaging me, trailing up my ankle and around my calf. I close my eyes, in awe of how wrong this is, yet I’m taken aback by how good it feels. Finding the courage I look at him, and the hint of arousal in his expression makes me instinctively squeeze my legs together.

His gaze lowers to my heated center, as he adjusts himself on the ottoman. “Ahem,” he clears his throat, just as Chloe walks into the room.

“I found these,” she says, looking between my foot and Zane’s hand. I know this position looks a little compromising.

Zane clears his throat and releases his hold on my leg. I can’t help but miss his touch as he sits back grabbing a towel and wiping the lotion off his hands.

“Avery’s ankle is still a bit swollen, so I applied some pain relieving cream. I’ll wrap it up once again, slightly looser than before, and you girls can get to decorating.” He nervously grabs the tape and slowly wraps it around my foot, this time making sure his fingers don’t touch my skin.

“You’re not joining us?” Chloe asks, sounding obviously disappointed.

Zane moves as quickly as he can, trying his hardest to avoid touching me again. “I have some work to do. I’ll come down a bit later with the ladder and help with the top of the tree. You know this isn’t my thing Chloe.”