“I’m Chloe O’Connell,” Chloe says, eagerly extending her hand out to the trio to introduce herself. Blonde number two hesitates but after a moment gives in and smiles at Chlo. Chloe’s smile is contagious and I can tell Blonde one, two, and three agree it’s a hard one to resist.

“I’m Bianca,” Blonde number one says, turning to her two friends. “This is Gigi and Alyssa.”

“Nice to meet you,” Chloe says, turning to me but before she can say anything Blondie number one, Gigi, steps toward her.

“You're like so pretty,” Gigi tells her. For a moment it frighteningly gives me Mean Girl vibes but quickly I realize it’s a genuine compliment. Gigi turns to me as if contemplating saying something but unsure how I’ll react. “You both are. Is that your natural color?” she asks.

“The one I was born with,” I mock, immediately regretting coming over here. I lean in closer to her, lowering my voice a smidge. “And yes, it’s true what they say. I’m a ginger everywhere,” I whisper, pointing to my vagina.

Gigi’s eyes go wide and a bright pink hue tints her cheeks in embarrassment.Why on earth did I convince Chloe we should rush Greek?Blonde babe with no brains. This is so not my vibe.

“This is Avery Taylor,” Chloe says when I don’t introduce myself to the Deltas.

I give them a small smile before turning my attention directly across from the Tri-Delta booth. I immediately spot a pair of guys, hot as hell and looking deliciously fuckable. Now that is something I could pledge for.

“You two should come to the party tonight,” Bianca says, once again gaining my attention with the mention of a party. “It’s a mixer but really an opportunity for you girls to look around the house and see if you’re really interested in rushing Delta.”

“I mean you two would totally get in if you want,” Gigi chimes in, giving me another once over. Okay Gigi, I see you, girl. My newly installedlesbian radaris definitely flickering bright with this one.

I grab Chloe’s arm and start retreating backward. “Yeah, we’ll be there,” I call out, leading her toward the guys I spotted manning the Alpha Tau Omega booth.

“What are you doing Avery? We were totally about to get recruited.”

“Yes, the Delta’s loved us. Why wouldn’t they? We’re hot. But like you said, we’ll definitely get recruited tonight. So why hang around when we could behanging around?”

She follows my gaze as it trails over to the guys, shirtless and immaculately toned, who have spotted us and are giving us knowing smiles.

“Hey there Red,” the one with the ‘A’ for Alpha painted on his chest says as he sizes me up. His eyes roam over my body, head to toe before doing the same to Chlo. He’s hot, like ridiculously hot up close, and that he’s the ‘A’ in alpha proves this is the guy in charge. TheTop Dog, leader of the douche pack.

My kind of guy and the perfect rebound for the two of us.

“Hey there stud,” I utter coyly, twirling a strand of my hair between my fingers. Thanks to the Florida humidity, I’ve given up trying to straighten it in the mornings and have accepted the way it curls at the base. “I hear this is the place to be?” I ask, suggestively popping my ass out as I lean to one side.

His eyes follow my movement, and his chest puffs out in response. “Anytime babe, come right on over.”

“You two planning on rushing Delta?” his buddy asks, coming over to join us. So they were watching us too. He’s cute, not as hot as Alpha but definitely worth a second glance.

“That’s the plan,” I say looking over to Chlo who’s nervous gaze flicks back and forth from the Delta girls to the guys.

The crowd has almost doubled in size with girls and guys enjoying the warm Florida sunshine. “I’m Avery, this is Chloe,” I say, being the one in charge of the introductions now.

“This is Teags and I’m Preston.” Preston, AKA Alpha doesn’t shy away or hide the fact that he is totally checking me out. I mean why would he? I know damn well I’m giving off down to fuck vibes. But as my eyes flick over to Chlo, I don’t get the feeling she’s up for this.

But I have to try.

One way or another, I’m going to have to convince her this is what we need to fully get over Zane.

* * *

“Chlo,get your ass up and to the shower babe.”

Chloe groans into her pillow as she lies on her bed having taken a catnap when we got back. Her cute, perky ass is peeking under her shorts and I can’t help but give it a little smack to incite her.

Her room is larger than mine, all white walls and oak wood furnishings with a subtle pop of pinks and purples in her decor. It’s the master suite with an adjoining bathroom and walk-in closet. I insisted she take it since it’s her mother who’s paying for it. My room is still much bigger than the one I had back home and I’m totally cool with using the only other bathroom down the hall even when Chloe insists hers is big enough for the two of us.

“Ow,” Chloe squeals when I smack her again, but this time when she lifts her head to glance at me there’s a playful look in her eyes. “That hurt.”

I smile wide and climb over her on the queen sized bed. “Need me to kiss it better babe?” I murmur, before putting my lips on her. I start at her ankles and trail soft kisses up her calf making my way to the back of her thigh. Chloe moans when my lips meet the bottom of her ass cheek, my left hand moving to gently grip her other.