I move to hide behind a large tree to my right when I catch sight of Chloe turning in my direction. Her eyes scan the surrounding area, brows meeting together in confusion as she shakes off whatever it is she was thinking. It’s like she felt me watching her and felt my presence near her. That’s how fucking connected and in sync we are with one another.

If I’m not careful, I’m going to be made out before I’m ready. Before they’re ready to accept what I’m here to apologize for.

Fifteen minutes later they drift off toward the Fraternities and I nearly lose it the moment they step in front of a group of shirtless guys with black letters painted over their chest. My hands curl into tight fists at my side as I watch Avery turn on her charming smile and flirt with the asshole in front of her. The douchebag has a black A painted along his neatly waxed chest and it’s almost comical how fitting it is. A for asshole. At least that’s where my foot is about to be jammed if he doesn’t take his eyes off my girls.

The poor bastard doesn’t know who he’s about to come face to face with.

A couple passes me to my right, nearly crashing into me because they're too busy shoving their tongues down each other's throat.

“Watch it,” I growl when the dude practically shoulder-checks me.

The chick pulls away from him and lifts her gaze to meet mine. For a split second I can see the desire in her big brown eyes when she looks me over. Her gaze moves up the length of my body which is hidden behind black jeans and a leather jacket.

I wink at her, catching her checking me out for longer than she should be given she’s got her boyfriend's arm wrapped around her waist. That snaps her out of whatever lustful haze she was under.

“Creep,” she mumbles under her breath and well, she’s not wrong.

I’m a thirty-six-year-old man stalking two eighteen-year-olds across their college campus, hiding behind trees and in the shadows if only to catch a glimpse of them.

Shaking my head, I turn back to where they were only to find they’ve disappeared completely out of sight.

“Fuck,” I groan to myself before heading back to my bike.



One word - Spring Rush.

Well, it’s technically two, but it all means one thing.Rush-week.

Campus is vibrant and alive this time of year. Spring Break is over and the sororities who are open to Spring pledges have all set up shop in the middle of the UF Courtyard, tents and booths set up and ready to receive the pledges with potential to join their sisterhoods.

Across the courtyard the Fraternities are similarly set up only instead of being alive with colors, posters, and goodies to share, the guys are all shirtless and covered in body paint, dancing around to the loud music blaring from someone's amp speaker and tossing a neon colored football around the quad.

That’s where the real party is. Too bad the pussy in between my legs forbids me from joining a brotherhood. We’ll have to settle for Tri-Delta.

I’ve never been one to enjoy school. Honestly, if it weren’t because I applied to UF to be with Chloe, I probably wouldn’t have gone to college. It’s never been for me. Not because I’m not smart, I mean I got accepted didn’t I, but planning for my future was never something of significance for me.

I knew what I was to become. Another low life like my mother who threw her money and life away on living in the moment. I’d planned to get a job at a bar and work my life away getting free booze and if I were lucky a place to lay my head at night with whichever drunk patron would take me home.

Couch surfing was the goal at least until I made enough tips to cover rent in some studio apartment close to where I’d need to work to not have to worry about getting a car.

But all of that changed the closer I got to Chloe. The more we got to know each other and the more time we spent together made me realize she was my person. My soulmate - the only genuine family I had. And if I didn’t want to spend my life miserable and alone, I had to do whatever it took to stay by her side.

It was then that her plans, dreams, and life goals became mine. And when college came into the picture, I knew this was what I needed to experience.

I know Greek Life isn’t exactly the way it’s portrayed in movies but as a kid it was the only reason college held any kind of interest for me. To join a sisterhood, live in a beautiful mansion, and party every night like it was my last.

For Chloe it’s a means to network, to make lifelong connections and secure a future like the one her mother planned out for her. Like the one she deserves.

We head down the row and directly over to the Tri-Delta table, where three beautiful blondes identically dressed in white tennis skirts and pink crop tops with the word Delta written in white script font are passing out flyers to tonight’s mixer.

“Come to Tri-Delta tonight for the once in a lifetime opportunity to join the best sorority on campus.” Blonde number one, the taller of the three with hair the same shade of freshly harvested honey smiles wide at us, obviously liking what she sees as we walk by.

The thing about Tri-Delta is it doesn’t really matter what’s inside your head, what matters is your appearance. Everyone knows only the hottest girls may join. See it’s not so far off from the movies after all.

Blonde number two, the shortest of the three with platinum blonde hair cut in a short bob above her shoulders, elbows blonde number one, giving her a“Don’t you dare recruit without my approval”look. Ladies and gentlemen, The Queen B and President of Tri-Delta herself.