Page 32 of Knight

Jackson begins to undress. Actually, the tub isn’t heaven. Watching him undress is heaven.

He hangs up his tuxedo, as well as my dress, and walks toward the tub, buck naked, in all his glory, with zero fucks to give.

He’s the perfect male specimen. I’ve always been a chest person. I love a broad chest on a man. I love the way it feels and smells. There’s just something so innately manly about it.

Jackson’s chest is sexy as hell, but his quads are what really do it for me. They’re incredibly thick and muscular. I can’t take my eyes off of his quads. The gigantic cock laying between them doesn’t hurt either.

I assume he’s going to get in across from me, but he slips in behind me and pulls my body on top of his. I rest my head on his chest and shoulder, as he wraps his arms around me.

He moves his head down and kisses my cheek. We sit there in silence with our eyes closed for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth. He aimlessly strokes his fingers up and down my body.

I feel so content right now. He eventually breaks the silence. “You really can orgasm multiple times in rapid succession. It’s amazing.”

I giggle. “It’s my greatest superpower,” said while I bat my eyelashes at him. “You can get me three or four times in a row pretty quickly if youreallywork for it,” I say in challenge.

“Challenge accepted.” He takes a deep contented breath. “The way you squeeze me when you’re about to come is like nothing I’ve ever felt. I may be addicted.”

I choose not to tell him that I’ve heard that before. Instead, I go with, “I may be addicted to you as well, Knight.” And that’s the truth.

We sit in silence a bit longer when he shocks me with a question about Scott. “Did you have a good marriage?”

I smile. “I had a great marriage. Scott was a wonderful husband. It obviously didn’t last as long as I would have liked, but I’m thankful for our twenty-five years together. I would have gladly taken twenty-five more if I could have.”

“What made it great?” He looks at me in genuine wonder. “If you’d rather not talk about it, I understand.”

“No, it’s fine. It was great because not only did we deeply love each other, we liked each other. We enjoyed doing things together. We made time for one another. I think when you have kids, people get so absorbed in them, that they forget about their spouse. They kind of stop working on their marriage. That’s when people start to grow apart. We never let that happen. If we wanted to go out, we got a babysitter. If we wanted time alone at home, the kids took a trip to the grandparents. We never took each other for granted, and treated our marriage as something not to ever be neglected. And while Scott and I were not super PDA people, we were fairly affectionate at home. It makes me proud that our kids saw a happy, healthy, loving marriage. It’s the kind I hope they have one day.”

I can see him deep in thought over my words. He’s made mention in the past over his marriage not having been great. Perhaps I shouldn’t have said that last part. After a few moments, he eventually confesses, “Besides the obvious things, that’s my biggest fear as a parent.”

I’m confused. “What is?”

“That my kids didn’t see a happy, healthy, loving marriage to model themselves after. We always treated one another respectfully, we didn’t really argue or anything, but there was nothing loving or affectionate about my marriage. We were a cliché ofstaying together for the sake of the kids. We eventually were just two friends, cohabitating, raising kids. We peacefully co-existed, with the only common interest being our love for our children. I don’t want that for them. I want them to experience the real deal.”

I kiss his neck and hold his hands in support. “At least it was peaceful. I’ve heard of much bigger nightmares than that. It’s a lot worse for the kids when their parents aren’t even on friendly terms. That’s when it becomes toxic.”

I don’t want to pry, but I do want to know more. “Was it physical?”

“At times, but that was based simply on basic human needs. Neither of us were the type to cheat, so when the need arose, we helped each other out with the release. There was no passion. I’ve had more passion with you the two times we’ve been together than in my entire marriage put together.” That makes me sad. No one should live like that.

“While we had our physical needs, we didn’t crave each other the way I crave you. Frankly, it’s been a bit eye-opening for me. I’m starting to realize all that I’ve missed out on.” He feels me tense up a bit at that comment.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to freak you out. You and I discussed honesty and no games. I’m just laying it out there. I’m into you, Darian. I’mreallyinto you. I understand your hesitancy, but I do believe, on some level, that you have similar feelings. I know you’ve had this same type of intimacy before. I just haven’t, and it’s got me thinking about what I really want in life.”

“Don’t do that. Don’t minimize what we’ve started here. Yes, I’ve had real intimacy before, but it’s different because you and Scott are different. You’re the same in that you’re both good men, which is important to me, but different in most other ways. I like that. I’m not looking to find a carbon copy of what I had. You shouldn’t want me to be looking to you for that. What we have is unique, because it’s between you and me. No one else.”

I take a breath in realization. “I can admit that I’m feeling what you’re feeling. You’re not alone in this.” That’s very hard for me to admit to him, but it’s true. There’s something strong between us. I can’t deny it.

He pulls my chin up and kisses me softly. “You’re not just beauty. You’re brains too.”

I smile up at him. “With a good rack.”

He smiles. “With a great rack.” He squeezes my breasts hard and I laugh. “I’m a little obsessed with this rack.”

“So I’ve noticed.” He bends his head down and starts kissing me. I grab onto those delicious quads that I’m seated between. Damn, they turn me on. They’re so thick and hard, just like the rest of him.

He’s still playing with my breasts. I can feel him harden into my back.

The kiss gets more heated, but then he suddenly breaks away, leaving me panting and wanting more. I turn around to straddle him, but he stops me. “You, Darian Lawrence, are insatiable. Let’s get out and dry off, so I can properly worship your gorgeous body all night.” Yes, please. Those are the last words spoken for a very long time.