Iwake up in the morning to the sound of my coffee machine. I don’t remember setting the timer, but I must have done it before I left for the evening.
I’m on my back naked, with my dream girl laying naked on top of me, fast asleep. The sheets are resting just above her perfect ass. She’s so beautiful.
Her head is laying on my chest, with her chest pressed against my stomach, and her arms wrapped around me. Her body moves up and down with her steady breathing. I love the way she feels on me. She’s so soft.
I feel myself getting aroused. This woman does things to me. I’m rubbing her hair and soft back, kissing her head, when I finally look up and see Trevor standing there smiling. I slowly mouth, “Get the fuck out.”
He puts his hands out with wide open palms, like he’s holding something big, and mouths, “She has huge tits.”
Now, I’m getting angry, and though I mean to mouth it, I clearly say ,loud enough to partially wake Darian, “Out!”
With that, Darian stirs a bit. She must feel my arousal and takes it as an invitation to wiggle and start kissing her way down my body.
Trevor holds his stomach, bent over silently laughing. I tighten my arms around her to stop her downward progress. I was hoping Trevor would leave and she’d never know he was in here, but there’s no stopping this now. “Darian, stop. We have company.” Her eyes pop wide open. She starts to sit up, but I hold her down, preventing her from exposing herself.
She then turns just her head to Trevor, and then back up at me. She’s smiling. Oh, thank God she’s smiling. “Jackson, why does this keep happening to us? We both need better locks in our houses.”
I laugh, as does Trevor. “True. Trevor, close the door and wait for us in the kitchen.”
“Yes sir,” he salutes and smirks.
She burrows her head into my chest. “Ugh, Jackson. How much did he see?”
“Your body is facing down squeezed against mine. I don’t think he saw any parts of your body that he shouldn’t.” I hesitate for a moment. “He may, however, have seen you start to head south on my body.”
“Oh my god! That’s even worse than him seeing me naked. He’s gonna think I’m a ho.”
“He’s not gonna think you’re a ho.” I chuckle. “Knowing Trevor, he’ll like you even more because of it. Come on, let’s get up and get some clothes on. By the way, I really like where your mind was at when you woke up. Let’s consider doing that again later.” She smiles and shakes her head.
I get out of bed, but she stays in and moves all the way under the covers. “I’m sorry, but I can never leave this bedroom. I can’t face Trevor. I’m afraid I’m moving into your bedroom. I’m now a prisoner in here.”
“Sounds good to me.” I flash a big smile at her. I brush my teeth and get dressed. Eventually, she does too.
We head out, into the kitchen. “Trevor, this is my good friend Darian Lawrence. Darian, this is my son Trevor.”
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lawrence.” Trevor shakes her hand.
“Nice to meet you too, Trevor. I apologize for the way we met. Ironically, your dad met one of my girls in a similar fashion.”
“Is that the hot doctor?” Darian snaps her head towards me. For fuck’s sake Trevor.
I silently throw daggers at Trevor and then look at Darian. “Since Hayden attends the same medical school that Harley did, he knew of her reputation for being the top student in the class and mentioned it to us.”
She looks at me, knowing there is more to the story. “He may have also mentioned that he heard that she is extremely attractive.” I gulp. “I merely confirmed that she looks just like her mom.” I gulp again.
Darian smiles. “Nice save, Knight.” Trevor starts laughing at that.
“I like your personality, Mrs. Lawrence.”
“Please, call me Darian.”
“I like your personality, Darian.”
He throws his head towards the coffee machine. “I made a pot of coffee. It should be ready by now.”