He smiles and proudly announces, “When she gets home, we’re going to start trying for a baby.” Our table breaks out in cheers and congratulations. I couldn’t be more excited.
“Congrats, son. That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you. I can’t wait to be a GILF.” Trevor laughs loudly and Hayden looks like he has no clue what I’m talking about.
Trevor turns to Hayden. “I can’t believe we shared a womb. It makes a lot of sense that we’re not identical twins. GILF is Grandfather I’d Like to Fuck. The real term is MILF. Mom I’d Like to Fuck. It’s what you call hot moms. Get a clue, dude. Get your nose out of the books sometimes.” Another punch to the arm ensues.
I turn to Payton as Trevor and Hayden continue to bicker and hit one another. “I hope you have a girl.” He and I both laugh. “And for Christ’s sake, make sure Kylie doesn’t come back from that cruise with botulism. Those disgusting cruises are cesspools.”
My strong dislike of cruises has been passed along to my kids. “I know. Why do you think I’m not going, and why I refused to go on a cruise during our honeymoon? I don’t get why she likes them so much. My kids are never going on a cruise.” I agree.
Hayden and Trevor need to get back to class, so they head out. Payton and I go back to the office.
“Hey, baby. Harley read your doctor letter this week. It was so sweet and so special. She cried. I cried too. Thank you for providing them with these letters. They’re incredibly special to all of us. It’s amazing to get new words from you once in a while. It makes us all feel like we are still close to you.”
I bite my lip. “So… I met someone. His name is Jackson. Umm… well… we’ve been intimate. It was weird being with someone that isn’t you. Not bad weird or anything. Just different. It’s been so long since I was with anyone else. I hope you’re not upset. If there was to be some thunder right now, I would understand.” I cautiously look up. Nothing. Phew.
“I guess you’re okay with it. Anyway, he’s really nice. The girls are all happy that I’m not sitting home by myself as much. They don’t want me to be alone anymore. Honestly, Scott, I don’t want to be alone anymore. I hope you understand. It doesn’t change anything about my deep love for you. You’re my forever. Bye baby. I love you always. I’ll see you next Friday.”
* * *
I endedup not seeing Jackson at all this week. He had an emergency situation with his New York deal and had to head there on Tuesday afternoon.
He sent me tulips every day in apology. I told him it wasn’t necessary, but he wouldn’t listen. He felt terrible.
He isn’t getting back until this afternoon. It was probably for the best. My head has been back and forth all week. At times I’m excited about Jackson, and then other times I have moments of guilt for being so interested in a man that isn’t my husband.
I eventually decided that I want to see where this goes. I meant what I said to Scott. I don’t want to be alone.
Though it’s not just about my loneliness. It’s Jackson. I’m incredibly attracted to him. He makes me feel good. He makes me laugh. He makes me happy. I genuinely can’t wait to see him tonight.
He texted me that he hired a limo service so we can have a relaxing drink and talk on the ride into town. He also told me to bring an overnight bag so I can stay over at his place. After a bit of back and forth, I agreed.
I spent the afternoon primping, getting my nails, hair, and make-up done with Cassandra. She promised to behave herself tonight. That would be a first. I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m wearing a long spaghetti strap red dress, with a plunging neckline, and a high slit up the side. I look pretty good.
Jackson rings the bell at 7:00 on the nose. I open the door, and before me is my very own James Bond. Holy hell. Jackson Knight in a tuxedo can simply be described as orgasmic. I’m speechless. I’ve never seen anything so perfect in my life. I feel my cheeks flushing.
He looks me up and down. I see his breathing become a bit more labored.
He finally breaks the silence. “I’m speechless.” My words exactly. “You’re stunning. I’ve never seen anything so perfect.”
He charges at me like a bull until my back is pressed against the wall in my foyer. He bends down and takes my lips in a searing kiss. It’s just like our first kiss was, full of passion and need. His tongue enters my mouth. He is devouring me. I’m on fire.
Oh, this guy. He does things to my body. Eventually, we break apart, both completely out of breath. God damn he can kiss.
I look up at him. “Good to see you too. I’ll be right back. I need to go reapply my lipstick.” And maybe change my panties. I reapply my lipstick and bring him a tissue for his now red, lipstick-covered lips. I wish he could leave it. It’s kind of hot to see him marked as mine.
We’re cleaned up and ready to go. He asks our limo driver to take some photos of us. We joke that it’s like we’re heading to prom.
I get in the limo and there’s a Tito’s with club soda waiting, along with a bucket of sliced limes. He’s so thoughtful.
We each have a drink and talk the whole way down. Mostly about our respective weeks. When we arrive, he helps me out of the limo and takes my arm in his. We walk in and definitely garner some attention. They must be looking at 007 on my arm. I know I can’t take my eyes off of him.
“Is Payton coming tonight? I’d love to meet him.”
“Unfortunately, no. His wife Kylie is away, and he doesn’t like to go to social events without her. I’ve gone to many of these dateless, and it does suck to be here alone.”