Hayden chimes in first. “It’s really hard. There’s so much memorization of body parts and bones. It’s kicking my ass right now. I can’t keep it all straight.”
“That’s because he’s never seen all of the female body parts, so he doesn’t know any of them.” We all chuckle at Trevor’s response.
Trevor continues, “Business school is fine. Living with you my whole life more than prepared me. Though if real-life experience helps, it sounds like I would have been pretty good at medical school too. Better than Hayden.” He blows a kiss at Hayden, followed by Hayden giving him a dead arm punch.
“Boys, relax. Hayden, medical school will get easier. You take the toughest classes your first year. At least, that’s what I’ve heard. Stay focused. It will all be worth it. How’s your mother doing?”
Hayden sees her the most. They’re very close. “She’s good. She keeps busy. She’s seeing someone, but he’s kind of a douche bag. I think he likes her money more than he actually likes her. He seems to be enjoying an uptick in his new lifestyle.”
“Keep an eye on her. All of you. Your mother needs you to protect her always. No one will love her like you guys do. I’ll give her a call and check in.” I make a note to call her. The boys don’t know it, but her money is protected from all future boyfriends, and husbands for that matter. She’s too kind and trusting, so I made sure protecting her money from sleazeballs was part of our divorce agreement. Everything is in a trust for her, so would-be sleazeballs can’t touch it.
Payton smirks at me. “Speaking of seeing someone, Dad is seeing someone too.” Trevor and Hayden’s eyes pop wide open in surprise.
Trevor mumbles, “I thought Dad was asexual.” Payton and Hayden laugh.
“Very funny wise guy. Just because you’ve never met anyone, doesn’t mean I don’t date. I date. I just haven’t met anyone I truly like until now.”
“So you really like her? What does she look like?” Trevor only cares about one thing.
“She’s stunning. And if you care, she’s smart and funny too.”
“We’ll be the judge of that.”
“Not if I can help it.”
Payton, always the sensible one, asks “Not to be a dick Dad, but are you sure she’s with you for the right reasons? Obviously, you’re an awesome guy, and I suppose reasonably good-looking, despite looking like Trevor, but having money puts you in a weird spot in that regard. Your net worth is public information.”
“She doesn’t care about money. She didn’t know anything about me the first week we were talking. We haven’t really discussed it, but from what I can tell, I think she has money anyway. She has a really nice house. She’s a successful attorney who runs her own practice. She’s a widow, so there’s no divorce situation there.”
“A widow? Is she 80?”
“No, Trevor, you can be a widow before you’re 80. I guess it’s good you didn’t go to medical school. She’s 48. Actually, Hayden, her daughter just finished medical school here.”
“Really? What’s her name?”
“Harley Lawrence. I guess now it’s Dr. Harley Lawrence.”
“No shit? I don’t know her, but I’ve definitely heard of her.”
“Really? What did you hear about her?” I hope it’s good.
“Apparently, it’s kind of not normal to both look like a lingerie model and be the number one student in your medical school class at the best medical school in the country. At a minimum, that cements full legend status, and that’s definitely her reputation at the school.”
I smile at that. “Yep, that’s her. I didn’t know she was number one in her class, but she’s very attractive. She looks just like her mother.” I wink at them. “I met Harley yesterday. She has a really good sense of humor too.”
“Model hot, and is a doctor? Sounds like something I could work with. Can I get a fix-up, Dad?”
“No, Trevor, you can’t.”
Payton interrupts, effectively ending the nonsense. “Well, Dad, if you’re happy we’re happy. None of us are dumb enough to think you and Mom had a good marriage. You deserve a good relationship and some happiness. I hope it works out.”
Payton is always the sensitive and sensible one. It makes me sad that Melissa and I couldn’t even fake our way enough to make our kids believe we were happy. I don’t think either of us was terribly unhappy, we just weren’t in love. We respected and cared for each other, but it wasn’t what a marriage should be. It was more of a friendship. I’m sad that we didn’t set a good example for my sons. I hope we didn’t screw them up. I’m happy that Payton seems to be very much in love with Kylie, and Kylie with him.
“Thanks, Payton. I appreciate it. How’s Kylie? When does she leave for her trip?”
“She’s good. She leaves on Thursday for her cruise. Kind of her last hurrah with her girlfriends.”
“What does that mean?”