I spared a brief glance at my fuzzy pink pajama pants, wondering what my neighbors would think if they saw him in his suit, and me like this, but I didn’t care enough to go change before stepping out the door.

Leo straightened as I approached, but his expression stayed shuttered. My heart stumbled again, but I forced down the lump trying to clog my throat. Stopping a few feet in front of him, I waited through the awkward silence until he spoke.

“I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately, but that other night at the club caused some issues.”

I gave a short nod but didn’t say anything. A part of me was hoping this wasn’t what I thought it was, but the old me that put responsibilities first felt relief that he seemed to be doing what I’d thought I’d have to.

When Leo realized I wasn’t going to say anything, he pushed on.

“I’m putting you in danger by stringing you along, and that’s selfish of me. You said from the beginning you didn’t want to be associated with my kind of life, yet I dragged you into it anyway. I can’t keep my promise to you any longer. Not without taking you away from your family, and I won’t make you choose between us.”

My breaths were coming in short puffs, my heart fluttering like a bird trapped in my chest. I’d had the same thoughts, but hearing them from his lips both broke my heart, and made me love him even more.

“I understand now that this won’t work out between us. Our lives are too different.”

It was a struggle to swallow the lump in my throat. I’d been worried I’d burst into tears if this came, but for some reason my eyes remained dry despite the pain piercing my chest.

“Your prenatal care is covered. I…”

Leo’s voice faltered, the only sign that this affected him as much as it did me.

“I’m sorry for putting you in this situation and leaving you to handle it alone, but this has to be a total break. For your safety. I hope you find happiness someday.”

I swallowed again, unable to find words. In the past few days I’d come up with so many things to say to him, yet they all fled me in the moment. All I could do was nod again.

Leo studied my face in silence before stepping forward to close the space between us. My eyes stayed locked on his as he raised a hand to cup my cheek, the warmth of his palm searing my skin.

“Stay safe, Cadence. Live a good life. Love our baby for me.”

His breath ghosted over my face and my eyes drifted closed on their own, my lips parting in preparation for his kiss.

I waited.

And waited.

The heat of his palm left my cheek, the breeze replacing it and sending chills down my spine despite the warmth of the evening. I fought to open my eyes, to open my mouth and say something, anything, but neither cooperated.

A cold trickle made its way down my cheek.

Eyes closed, hands clenched over my belly, lungs refusing to pull in a breath, I heard his car door open and close.

The purr of the engine as it started.

The crunch of his tires on the pavement as he pulled away.

I had no idea how long I stood there after all trace of sound was gone. My body was frozen, lungs only accepting the bare minimum I needed to maintain my vigil. Wetness streaked my cheeks, dripping onto my shirt, the breeze cooling it until it felt like all warmth had been sucked from my body.

I shivered, still waiting.

It wasn’t until a hand landed on my shoulder that I finally wrenched my eyes open with a gasp.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

Michael circled me until he blocked my view of the empty street. That was when I finally broke.

Knees giving out, I sucked in a shuddering breath before clenching my teeth around a wail that tried to force its way from my throat. Michael’s arms were all that stopped me from hitting the sidewalk as sobs shook my body. He’d never been a big kid, and he couldn’t hold up the weight of my grief, awkwardly lowering us to the ground as I shattered.

I lost track of time again, pouring out all the grief and pain clogging my chest until there was nothing left but a hollow space where Leo had once been. My brother held me, hands stroking my hair as he murmured nonsense I didn’t hear.