“Your omega?”

The question hanging in those two words was a punch to the gut. I knew how I wanted to respond, but I knew I wasn’t likely to convince her. She wouldn’t leave her family exposed.

My hesitation seemed enough of an answer for my father.

“You’re marrying Tasia. We need to cement ties and make sure he’s not going to move against us.”

I gritted my teeth, bile surging at my father’s order.


His hand slamming down on his desk cut me off.

“No buts, Leo. If she won’t bend to our way of life and do what’s needed, then she can’t be part of it.”

I stood, unable to keep my anger from showing.

“You don’t understand!”

“I don’t care. We’re under attack and have already lost too many men. I can’t have our closest ally turning against us. Only our willingness to work together allowed us both to thrive in this city, but if he turns, there’s not enough room for both of us. I’m sorry if you truly care for the girl, but you have to let her go. I gave you a chance, but things have changed.”

I shook my head again, fist clenched at my sides as I dropped my gaze to the desk between us. It didn’t matter that the thought had already been teasing at the back of my mind, I wasn’t ready to give up on Cadence.

She wasmine.

“Leo, you have two hours to get it done. Cut all ties with her unless you want something worse to happen than you breaking her heart.”

The world dropped from under me, my head spinning. I knew my father couldn’t possibly be threatening the mother of my child, but I wouldn’t put it past the man to have someone scare her into running away. Or kidnap her and possibly leaving her family behind to fend for themselves.


Pulling myself together, I shoved all the emotions away, steeling myself for what I had to do.

“Yeah. I’ll take care of it.”

My father stared at me for a moment before nodding and waving me away. I turned and walked back to my car, trying to think of the best way to handle what was coming.

If Cadence fought for us… I had no idea what I’d do.

I was so lost in thought I didn’t pay attention to where I was driving until I looked around and realized I was sitting at the corner by Cadence’s house. I could see her front door from where I sat, and I had to swallow the sudden urge to flee.

Nothing had ever been harder than what I was about to do.

Sucking in a deep breath, I pulled out my phone. I had to be sure everything was taken care of before I confronted her, otherwise she might find a way to stop me. It took about half an hour to make the calls and arrangements, but by the time I was done, all of her prenatal care was paid for through the birth, and I’d almost emptied my account into hers. I only kept the little I needed, giving her the rest so she’d have everything she needed to see her and our baby through a better life.

One I couldn’t be part of without putting them at risk.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


My breathing stuttered when I looked down at my phone.

“Come outside. I’m here. We need to talk.”

Leo’s words were ominous, and despite the thoughts that had been plaguing me, my heart still gave a painful squeeze. It knew what was coming, even if I wouldn’t acknowledge it.

I excused myself from the table where I’d been playing a board game with Michael and Momma. Momma had already been losing interest, so Michael began to clean it up as I made my way to the front of the house. Sure enough, when I looked out the window, I could see Leo leaning against the side of his car at the end of our driveway.