Once I started it came out in a rush, my only thought to shock Michael so much he couldn’t think to ask questions. The way his eyes widened and his arms dropped to his sides seemed to say it was working.

“I quit the diner and gave that time to him. He’s proposed, and I’m… I’m pregnant, Michael.”

I waited in silence, resisting the urge to fidget. He was my younger brother, and we’d been through everything together. We’d held each other up through the rough times, and I needed him to accept the direction my life was going. It would tear me apart if he voiced all the arguments I’d managed to push past.

Michael stared at me a few moments longer, mouth opening and closing, but no sound coming out. A touch of guilt gnawed at me for dumping everything on him suddenly, he was too young to know how to handle it, but it was all or nothing. Piecing out bits of the truth would make it harder and destroy his trust in me even more.

“The house is paid off? Completely? We’re not going to lose it?”

I nodded, my hair swishing against my cheeks as I dared to take a breath.

“Momma’s medical bills?Allthe bills? We’re okay?”

I swallowed and nodded again. Our debt was gone, and with the weight of hiding the truth from Michael lifting, I felt lighter.

Michael heaved a breath, slim shoulders drooping as he looked down at the floor. Worry flooded me again until he raised his gaze back to mine, eyes sparkling with the threat of tears, but a smile pulling at his lips.

“You’re having a baby? And gettingmarried?”

Those two came out a whisper, but I couldn’t resist returning his smile.


The word was almost a squeal, the excitement at his easy acceptance making me feel giddy. Michael let out a little laugh before moving closer, throwing his arms around my neck. Unable to stop myself, I chuckled with him as he tucked his face into my hair and laughed.

“I’m so happy for you. For us!”

He pulled back but kept his hands on my shoulders, eyes dropping to my belly before searching my neck.

“Wait, did he claim you? I assume he’s an alpha…”

My smile tightened and I shook my head.

“No. I asked him to wait. I’m not sure…”

I trailed off, unable to express my fear even to him, the one person who might understand if he knew everything. His eyes rounded before dropping to my belly as he stepped back.

“But a baby…”

Some of the joy melted from his face, the crease returning between his brows as he looked up and asked the one question I didn’t have an answer to.

“What do we tell Momma?”

Chapter Twenty-One


My relief vanished, the question bringing back all the fear and uncertainty. Turning away from Michael, I tried to think of what to say.

“I—I’m not sure. I’m not even sure weshould.”

The silence behind me forced me to look over my shoulder before I turned and took a seat on my bed again. The look Michael gave me made his feelings clear.

“You don’t think we should tell her?”

I ignored the way his voice rose, trying to keep calm.

“How would I explain? She didn’t know how bad off we were, and half the time she thinks I’m either her younger sister, or a version of me far too young to be getting married. And if I mention that he’s an alpha… Think of the upset it could cause if she thinks he’s going to claim me.”