As anxious as I was about the repercussions of falling asleep with him, I couldn’t help the blush that warmed my cheeks as I smiled. Leaning across the car, I offered my lips, Leo claiming them in a gentle kiss before releasing me.

“Go. Before I turn the car around and take you back to bed.”

The wicked smile he shot me sent heat through my veins, my nipples pebbling and begging for attention. But as tempting as it sounded, I had to be responsible.

“Maybe later. If you behave,” I said as I stood and shut the door, Leo’s laugh following me across the sidewalk.

I slipped inside, as far as I could tell, no one noticing I was a few minutes late as I slid into my chair. I kept my head down and jumped into my list for the day, but I was surprised about a half hour later when Leo came striding through the doors, straight at me. Eyes trailed him across the room to my desk where he deposited a brown paper sack.

“Can’t have you going hungry. That should cover you until lunch. I’ll see you tonight.”

With a wink he turned and left, and I was too surprised to respond as I stared after him. When I finally peeled my eyes away from the closing door, the stares leveled my way caused me to duck behind my computer as I pulled the bag closer and peeked inside.

The scent of fresh bread and sugar hit me in the face, driving all thoughts of what my coworkers must think from my head. I stuffed the first pillowy soft treat into my mouth, biting back a moan of bliss as I dug my phone out to send him a thank you.

The rest of the day passed without any other surprises. Michael messaged me, but I evaded his questions, telling him I would explain when I got home. As the time dripped by my tension grew, and when I stepped off the bus to walk down the block to my house, I was a nervous wreck.

Michael met me at the door, arms crossed, with a frown on his face. His eyes trailed over me, taking in the clothing far too nice for me to have been able to afford according to what he knew.

“You said you’d explain.”

Despite him being my younger brother, I didn’t blow off his irritation. I knew I’d worried him, and he deserved the truth. I couldn’t keep avoiding it.

“I will. I promise. Where’s Momma?”

Michael jerked his head toward the hallway to the kitchen.

“Did she notice I wasn’t here?”

“I told her you were working. She didn’t realize what time it was.”

I blew out a breath, forcing my shoulders to relax. Telling Michael when he was already in a bad mood wasn’t ideal, but I’d put it off long enough. I wasn’t going to lie to his face.

“Can I come in and sit down at least?”

He glared at me a moment longer before turning to the side so I could pass him. Setting my purse on the table by the door, I shot a glance over my shoulder at him before tipping my head upstairs.

“This would be better somewhere she isn’t likely to overhear.”

Michael gave a tense nod and followed me up to my room. I sat on the edge of my bed, but when he refused to take the chair by the windows, I stood again.


I had to pause for a deep breath. It was hard to know where to begin, and everything kept getting jumbled in my head.

“Michael, I met someone.”

Leo seemed the logical place to start. Everything revolved around him, and as much as I hated keeping things from my family, I knew Michael wouldn’t understand the full story. I had to keep certain things to myself, or there would be no chance for a peaceful future.

“We’ve been seeing each other for a while now. We—We met at the diner.”

That was the truth. Mostly. I hadn’t taken any notice of Leo the one time we’d been together before he came to find me.


It was so hard to explain. Too tricky to tell him the truth since it was hardly believable a practical stranger had paid off so much of our debt without getting something in return, and I didn’t want Michael to have a bad opinion of Leo if I could help it.

“He’s good to me, and I know this sounds crazy, but he paid off everything so he could have more time with me. The house, Momma’s medical bills, everything I was behind on... It’s all been paid.”