Page 74 of Rejected Beta

Jareth smiles. “Thank you, both."

"Look at what you're doing for my daughter. For me. How could I do any different? If you wanted to sit at home like a spoiled omega and eat bonbons, I'd be fine with that too."

“You’re just as full of fire as you always were. It’s going to be easy to fall back in love with you.”

What the hell do I say to that?

Apparently nothing, because a group of omegas burst in laughing together over something, breaking up the moment completely.

Chapter Twenty-Three



ENZO GETS THE MEETINGfor Jareth set up right away, less than twenty-four hours later. He works fast, getting everything lined up to get Jareth and I free of these damn alphas.

I dress as professionally as I can for the meeting, wanting to seem like I'm acceptable enough to take on an omega even though I'm only a beta. There's nothing against the rules about an omega bonding with a beta, they're just not given quite as much freedom without an alpha.

They'll try to talk him out of this, but they can't actually stop him, especially not with a lawyer there.

The three of us meet separately at the town office building, where liaisons from the OC have an office.

I'm the last one there even though I'm ten minutes early. "I guess we're all feeling impatient this morning."

Jareth nods. “I’m certainly ready for this to be over."

Enzo rubs his hands together. ”We're almost at the finish line, kids. In an hour or so, the two of you can be celebrating for lunch."

"I closed the studio for the entire day. We'll have until Lexie gets out of school to celebrate. Privately." I add the last word as a whisper in his ear.

He groans. “Please don't make me thirsty before we go in there."

"If anything will ruin the mood, it's these assholes," Enzo mutters.

A beta assistant sticks his head out the door with a bright smile. "They're ready for you."