Page 75 of Rejected Beta

Here we go.

The three of us rise and step through the door held open by the cheerful beta.

Inside two alphas sit at a large table in the center of the meeting room.

"Have a seat." The alpha at the head of the table directs.

Enzo keeps his voice low so it doesn’t carry to the other end of the massive table. ”Remember, let me handle this."

As soon as we sit, Enzo pulls out a sheath of papers, sending them sliding down the table to the alphas. "Thank you for this meeting. We're here to dissolve a formal courtship agreement and transfer it to another."

"I see." The alpha who seems to be the leader takes the file and flips through it before passing it to the other one. "You want to give up two alphas in exchange for a single beta?"

Enzo nods at Jareth to answer.

Jareth nods and keeps his answer simple. “I do."

The alpha sits back in her seat, crossing her legs and inspecting Jareth. “When I saw the name on the meeting books, I decided to check into you. The pack you grew up with specifically demanded you have no contact with this beta. I'm curious to know how the two of you reunited."

Jareth shrugs. “It was just meant to be, I guess."

The alpha sneers. “Uh huh. Right."

Enzo clears his throat. “Since my client is more than at the age of majority, has obeyed his childhood pack for the last ten years, and is perfectly free under the law to dissolve a courtship and start a new one, even with a beta, this meeting is nothing but a formality."

Omegas have few rights in this country, but they do still hold the right to choose their bonds.

The other alpha sniffs, his “Of course. But whenever an omega makes a decision like this, it is our duty to make sure they are in their right mind and are sure about it. To give up two perfectly eligible alphas for a beta is certainly concerning. Perhaps we should have you meet with a counselor before we sign off on this to be reassured you know what you're doing."

These fucking assholes.

It takes everything in me to remain seated and silent like Enzo demanded.

Enzo glares at the alphas. ”That would be a significant overreaction and I would immediately file a suit against you for trying to deny an omega his rights. This is a beta who Mr. Clark has known since childhood. It's not some whim he decided on out of nowhere. And the perfect alphas in question are showing signs of being feral and abandoned their daughter six years ago, refusing to care for her because she had a beta mother. Once my client realized that, he decided alphas like that aren't what he's looking for in a pack."

Damn, he’s good.

The alphas exchange a glance. “We could of course look into these accusations and if they're found to be true, the alphas will face consequences."

I barely hold in my snort.

At worst, they'll get a slap on the wrist. More than likely, they'll just sweep anything they find under the rug.

"These alphas have been a pack of two for a long time. You know that's not good for alphas,” Enzo says.

The male alpha nods in agreement. “It's not. Which is why it would be preferable if you could work it out. We've spoken with the alphas in question and we know they're here to offer a pack to both of you. Instead of being grateful and welcoming the father of your child back and getting to enjoy your reunion with an old friend, you want to thank them by leaving two feral alphas to suffer when joining their pack and bonding with them would help them?"

They must be joking.

Enzo’s expression goes cold. ”It is not my clients' jobs to fix or control feral alphas. It's their own fault for letting it get so bad. They're fully grown alphas who weren't the slightest bit feral when they rejected the mother of their child along with the child herself. Mr. Clark is here for a simple matter, switching his formal courtship to someone else. I'm not sure why something so simple requires the highest ranking management team of the local Omega Council, but this should be nothing more than a quick signature. I'll make sure to let the mayor know how you've decided to run things. I'm sure she'll be interested indeed to hear this."

The female sneers. “We don't appreciate the threat. We want what's best for everyone in this situation. Omegas need alphas and alphas need omegas. And children need all their parents, they need pack. The best option for everyone is to form one big pack."

Jareth finally loses control of his temper, a snarl in his chest. “I refuse to bond with them. You can make me talk to as many counselors as you like, but it won't change the fact that those alphas are not for me. I'd rather return to the program or be sent to the breeders than bond with them."

Enzo shoots Jareth a quelling glare. “None of which will be necessary, because omegas are not required to fulfill a formal courting if they decide it doesn't work out. Everything we're asking for here is perfectly within the law. It is you who would be operating outside of it if you refused to dissolve the arrangement and honor the new one. Now I have work to do this afternoon and I'm sure you do too, so let's stop wasting all of our time. By law, you have to sign off on this. I will notify the mayor, the OFF, and draw up a lawsuit if you decline."

I've never seen a beta hand alphas their asses at the same time before. It might be the most glorious thing I've ever seen. If he wasn't Aurora's beta and if I didn't have my hands full, I might otherwise decide to take him for myself.