Page 19 of Rejected Beta

Hendrix shrugs. "That's okay, we can just chat about other heist novels we've read."

I nod. "Okay, yeah. Sounds good."

This is a mistake I hope I don't end up regretting. I swore no more alphas and here I am, making plans with one I find inconveniently attractive who I have to interact with for my kid, so it's not like I can easily cut things off if I need to.

Hendrix sobers as he either scents or senses my unease, his usually mischievous expression turning to one of serious concern. "It's just book club, love. Out in public. You'll be safe and free to leave at any time."

His sweet reassurance warms me, and I'm surprised at how understanding he is instead of impatient and demanding. I need to stop stereotyping people based on their designation. I let my alpha exes control me way too much in the past, I need to stop letting them interfere with my present or my future.

I take a deep breath and let it out slow. "I'll be there."

Hendrix nods like it's no big deal before turning to Bouchard. "Ryder? You in?"

"I am. That sounds lovely. Is eight too early?"

Hendrix and I shake our heads. Lexie and I are typically early risers, so meeting at eight will give me more than enough time to get us ready in the morning. Even after an exhausting night like tonight.

Hendrix grins wide and bright. "Excellent. Well, we'll let you get back to mingling and signing people up for your events."

Bouchard sweeps a glance around the studio. "It looks like you're going to be a perfect fit to our town. The people here are certainly interested in what you have to offer."

"Thank you both. I'll see you in the morning."

I have no idea what the hell I'm doing, agreeing to a book club with these two, especially with an alpha, but at the same time, I find myself excited in a way I haven't felt in a long time. If ever.

Like Hendrix said, it's just book club, it's not like it's a date. And the two of them aren't a pack, so I don't have to worry there.

This town is a fresh start for us. I'm done hiding. I'm done letting the scars of my past keep me from living. Lexie deserves better than that, and so do I. She needs to see me modeling healthy behavior, not letting my trauma hold us both back.

Something my therapist has been attempting to help me understand for years now.

And I'm finally getting to a place where it feels possible.

So, coffee and book club tomorrow with two way too attractive males. Including an alpha, something I swore I'd stay the hell away from a long time ago.

Definitely sounds like a new start.