Chapter Seven
IOVERSLEEP THE NEXTday, exhaustion from so many people in my space and the stress of getting everything set up hitting me hard.
If it isn't for Lexie’s excitement over getting coffee and reading with Bouchard and Hendrix, I probably would've slept right through.
Too tired and rushed for the nerves I expected to bother me, I drag myself into the bathroom to get ready, Lexie’s happy chatter following me.
Unfortunately, I'm awake enough by the time we leave home for the nerves to swarm in, buzzing like angry bees in my stomach.
Lexie is full of questions my tired brain struggles to keep up with. "What kind of coffee are you going to try this time? Do you think they can make me a lavender hot chocolate? Do you think that would taste good?"
I hide my disgust at the idea. "Maybe a lavender white hot chocolate. And I'm sure they could. They have really interesting flavors."
I've certainly tried some strange ones, but lavender and chocolate don't sound like a great mix to me.
"I like that coffee shop. It smells good. Like cupcakes. Can I have a cupcake?"
I laugh and shake my head, wishing I had her energy. "I think you're bouncing around enough, you don't need quite so much sugar. How about a breakfast sandwich to go with your drink? And if you're good while we have our meeting, maybe I'll get you one to go for later this afternoon."
We've both been eating terribly during the move with me trying to feed us as quickly and cheaply as possible and I really need to get us back on a healthier track, but one treat won't hurt. And their cupcakes are huge, so she won't be able to finish it, which means I'll get a few bites too.
The scent of roasted coffee beans and fresh baked goods reaches us before we even turn the corner where the shop is. Lexie and I both moan in appreciation, our steps speeding up.
I check my watch and am relieved to see we're a couple minutes early. I hate being late and after my bit of a lie in, I'm still feeling a bit behind.
The bell jangles as we swing the door open, spilling inside with our noses in the air.
A low chuckle sounds from our right at our entrance. I turn my head to see Bouchard has already arrived, a newspaper in his hands and an espresso steaming on the table in front of him.
I blush like a damn schoolgirl. "Hello."
"Good morning." Bouchard smiles, a hint of predator in the flash of teeth.
I kind of like it.
Lexie helps break up the moment as she bursts past me, running over to the alpha without the slightest hesitation. "Mr. Bouchard! I'm getting lavender hot chocolate today."
He turns his full attention to her. "That sounds like an interesting experiment."
"I think it'll be yummy. I love lavender."
"I bet you do. I bet it's a comforting scent for you, isn't it?" He shoots me a look beneath his stupid long lashes.
I flush again and clear my throat, begging my scent not to bloom. Hopefully all the other smells of coffee and pastries will disguise any sudden rise of lavender and pink peppercorns.
Judging by the look on Bouchard's face, it's not working.
My scent is always stronger in the morning, when I haven't built up as many walls. Betas can release strong pheromones just like alphas and omegas, we just usually have better control over it. But in the mornings, when I'm still tired and before I've caffeinated, my control is shot.
Based on Bouchard's spike of black tea and honey, he struggles with a similar issue. Good to know the attraction isn't one-sided. And I'm glad my first impression of him seems to be wrong because I really hate being attracted to assholes. I've worked hard to overcome that horrible taste and had been concerned I'd backslid.
"What is your mama going to try today?" Bouchard asks.