Page 18 of Rejected Beta

"Right." Bouchard draws out the word, his tone dry.

Hendrix scoffs. "Don't be a prick about it. We literally just made the plans the other day. I'll text you the details once we nail them down."

I have no idea what to think of this turn of events, unsure how to stop this disaster from happening. The last thing I want to do is spend more time with this rude beta. Even if he is being a little kinder today than the last time we interacted.

Even if he is kind to my daughter.

And I had no plans to actually voluntarily spend time with an alpha, adorable as he is, fun as he is.

Bouchard's brow furrows. "I can only do it on the weekends, and I know you two are busy those days, so I'm not sure how we can fit it into our schedules."

"My shop doesn't open until later in the morning, so as long as we meet early, it should be fine for me. Lexie will have to come with me though, I can't leave her here alone." I can't believe the words coming out of my mouth.

Why am I agreeing to this? I had the perfect out and I didn't even attempt to take it.

"Does she like heist novels too?" Hendrix asks, his gaze finding Lexie in the crowd where she's showing someone a dragon figurine they can glaze.

"I don't think she's read any yet, but she'll be fine with her own book to focus on." I chuckle. "She's only just starting to read and sadly they don't write many heist novels for kids her age."

"I'll have to track one down." Hendrix's eyes gleam with challenge.

I smile, unable to stop myself from being charmed by this alpha. "I'm sure she'll love that."

Lexie is obsessed with books, always excited to try something new. And she really likes Hendrix, so she'll love that he thought to recommend something to her.

Warmth fills my chest at the thought.

So soon after we've settled here, Lexie is happier and more at peace than I've ever seen her. Guilt and pain try to ice over the warmth, but I refuse to let it, focusing on the way my daughter is happily chatting away with someone, pointing out the different art I have here on offer.

"Do you plan to do any type of exhibits or workshops for local artists?" Bouchard asks.

"Probably not workshops, because I don't have the skills or training for that, but I'd love to exhibit local artists. I haven't quite found the local art scene yet though, and I'm sure plenty of them wouldn't want their stuff in here."

Bouchard winces at the dig, though I don't completely mean it as one. It's something I'm now genuinely worried about, especially after the way he reacted.

"I am truly sorry for making you feel that way. Plenty of artists would be thrilled just to have a place to display their art. A few of the places in town like the coffee shop and the bookstore are good about displaying it, but there aren't really any galleries here and I've long wished there was. I misunderstood what your business was and was an asshole in my disappointment."

Damn, he gives a really pretty apology.

Hendrix's attention volleys back between the two of us before settling on Bouchard. "What the hell did you say that was so bad you’re actually apologizing?"

Flags of red paint the beta's cheeks and an odd surge of protectiveness and empathy rush over me. "Nothing so awful. I've certainly heard worse than a little art snobbery."

Twin growls rumble from both their chests, making me suddenly glad I'm not an omega because I'd probably be dripping, making it obvious to everyone in the room exactly how arousing I find that sound coming out of two people I already find too attractive for my own good.

I've got to get away from these two, especially with what feels like half the town in my studio.

"Don't worry. Ryder here isn't nearly as snooty as he appears on a first impression."

"Yes, I'm starting to see that.'

Something that looks like relief crosses Bouchard's face before he's able to shutter it.

It looks like the prickly beta isn't quite as hardened as I thought. He is a kindergarten teacher after all, he can't be so bad, otherwise no one would let him near their children.

Hendrix bounces, easily moving past the tense moment. "So are we on for Sunday mornings at the coffee shop? Should we start tomorrow?"

I sigh, deciding to go at least to one meeting. "That works for me, but no way will I finish the book by then."