Page 63 of Rejected Beta

I smile back at Ryder. “It's a date."

We finally make it to the other side, where there are plush chairs and a sofa and a very thick rug that my daughter is currently sprawled across, a stack of books next to her.

She grins wide at me as she struggles to her feet. “Mama! You're back. Isn’t this place perfect? We should do this at our house."

I bend down to accept her exuberant hug, taking comfort as her scent thickens with happiness. “I don't think we have the room for that yet, darling, but maybe one day."

Aurora pulls herself out of her other alpha’s arms from their spot on the couch and rises. “And until then, you can use ours anytime."

I grin at her. “We were told to inform you that dinner is ready and in danger of burning if you don't leave this room soon."

"Are you staying?" Grey asks.

I nod. “We are. Callum invited us."

Lexie cheers.

Enzo and Oliver untangle themselves from the couch too. ”Afterwards, we can head into my office and go over whatever information you have for me."

I slip my hand into my pocket, checking on the drive for the thousandth time. “From what I understand, it should be all we need."

"Even better. Do you mind waiting until after we eat?" Enzo asks.

I shake my head. “Not at all. I don't want Lexie to worry."



DINNER WITH AURORA'Spack is a raucous affair, even without two of their members, who I'm told are the craziest. I can't wait until they get back from their trip overseas and I can finally meet them.

This day started absolutely horribly, but it's turned into one of the better ones in my entire life. I just hope whatever is on that flash drive caps the end of the day off with another win.

Once everyone has finished eating, Enzo gestures for me to follow him. Lexie barely pays any attention as we leave the table, too enthralled with a story Hendrix is telling her. I nod at Ryder to come with us. wanting input from at least one of them. Surprised pleasure overtakes his face before he rises and follows.

I hand over the drive as Enzo takes his position behind his desk, sitting next to Ryder on the small couch after we clear off a couple piles of papers and files.

Enzo loses himself into the information on the drive for a moment, his expression intense. I keep hoping to see relief or excitement, but he gives us nothing, no hint to what he's reading. The tension rises and I reach for Ryder's hand, gripping it tight.

He tugs me closer until I'm snuggled into his side, his scent and touch helping to calm me. "You're killing us here, man."

Enzo jumps, blinking at us. "Shit. Sorry. There's just a lot here."

"Will it help me?" I ask.

I could’ve gone home to check the drive out first, but I figured it was better to get my lawyer on it as fast as possible. Especially since I don’t want Jareth trapped with them much longer.

"I think so. From what I'm finding, I think we can prove they only started looking for you a couple months ago because they want something. I'm going to contact the PI they used as well, and get a statement from her. Unless we end up with the worst judge in history, this should give you what you need to stay free."

I sit up, hope blooming in my chest. “Really?"

Enzo nods. “Yeah. There's a lot here. Your friend did a great job, even adding a few illegal things they've been up to."

"Speaking of, we need to time things right so he doesn't get hurt. We've got to get him away from them at the same time we bring all of this information in front of a judge." I go on to explain the situation as I know it as much as I can, Ryder adding a few things here and there.

Enzo sits back in his chair, brown furrowed in thought. “We'll make a game plan that keeps everyone safe. I want to get everything lined up and go through this information with a fine tooth comb. You need to go through it too and let me know if you find anything that I miss."

"What exactly is the plan?” I ask. “Am I going to tell them they aren't getting what they want? Are they getting served with a summons?"