Page 59 of Rejected Beta

My brow furrows. “Why aren't you with them?"

His smile is dark and wry. “I said I have a headache."

"And they accepted that?"

"Oh, they're being incredibly careful with me. I'm a respectable omega and I expect to be courted as such." He sniffs, putting his nose in the air, a hint of the boy I used to know in the movement.

"Why are you doing all of this? What are you hoping to get out of it?" I want to believe him, but there’s so much at stake, I don’t know how.

"Are you kidding me?" Pain flashes through his eyes as he jerks back.

I swallow hard. “No. I need to know."

His hands shoot out and grab onto mine, his gaze burning as he glares at me. “Because all these years later, I've never been able to forget about you. No one has ever measured up. I'm still in fucking love with you. This was my chance to find you and I took it in the hopes that you still cared about me too and would be willing to see if we still fit. My only regret is it has put you and your daughter in danger. If I had known that would happen, I would've stayed away. I'm so sorry for bringing this to your door."

I stare at him for a moment, my heart pounding so loud it's all I can hear, his words playing on repeat, his expression so solemn and sad, but with the slightest flare of hope in his eyes.

And then I'm lunging across the picnic table and I’m in his arms, tears soaking his neck, his soaking mine.

Everything I've been holding back for days pours out of me and onto him, our grips bruising as we clutch each other tight.

"Fuck." Jareth mutters the word against my skin, making me shiver and press harder against him.

Being in his arms is like coming home, healing a piece of me I thought long dead.

I don't know how long we spend hanging on to each other, but when we finally break apart, I remember we have an audience.

Hendrix and Ryder are watching, concern on their brows, when I turn to them and wave them over.

Jareth jerks in surprise. "I didn't realize you brought them."

I wince. "I didn't know quite what to expect tonight, so it felt safer."

"Smart. You shouldn't go anywhere alone until we deal with them." He rummages in his pocket and pulls out a flash drive. "Speaking of, this should help in protecting your daughter and yourself."

I accept the small piece of metal, clutching it tight in my hand. “This is the proof you spoke about?"

He nods. “Yes. I'll try to get more, but I think this should handle it. Legally anyway."

My frown deepens. ”Once I use this, they'll know where it came from. Then you'll be in danger."

As much as I want to save my daughter, I don’t want to damn him in the process.

"No, he won't. We'll make sure of it." Hendrix’s voice rings out with steady conviction.

I eye Hendrix especially warily, looking back and forth between him and Jareth, curious how they'll respond to one another. The alpha and omega attraction can be strong and while I shouldn't care if they are attracted to one another and even be glad because it'll make things simpler, I find myself holding my breath, afraid I'm going to end up replaced by one or both of them.

But instead Hendrix is focused on me, reaching out to cup my cheeks and wipe stray tears away with his thumbs. "Are you okay, lovely?”

I relax against him, taking comfort in his touch. “Yeah. I'm fine."

"You will be." His hands fall away slowly after a last stroke of my cheeks.

I smile, brows rising as I turn back to the others and notice the way Ryder and Jareth are looking at each other. A mix of wariness and interest, both their nostrils flaring as they scent each other.

Hendrix leans close until his mouth brushes my ear. “Looks like your omega has a thing for betas."

I muffle a snicker into my hand. It's not at all fair, but I don't mind the two of them forming a relationship in the way it would bother me between Jareth and Hendrix. Maybe eventually I'll feel more settled and confident, but everything is still too new and fragile at the moment. My heart just can't take it.