Something that Hendrix notices. “Don't worry, I only have eyes for you. He smells nice enough, but it's not making my mouth water like yours does."
I grimace. “Am I that obvious?"
"A little. And we've known each other long enough for me to understand why you have issues with alphas. I'm not going to jeopardize what we've been building. You and Lexie are my priority. You're their priority too. That omega has loved you this whole time. You, a beta. When he's had alpha after alpha thrown at him."
I haven't been quite so faithful. Since I never thought I'd see him again and assumed he was off being seduced by alphas and building a pack, after I spent a year trying to get in touch with him, I had to let him go. I had to move on.
Hendrix shoots me a wicked grin before turning back to them. “You two done sniffing each other so we can get some plans in place before they notice Jareth is missing or do you need another minute?"
Both their faces flush and they jerk their attention back to us, expressions abashed. It's rather adorable. I'd felt the same when I met all three of them, their scents so delicious, our chemistry so palpable, it took everything not to throw myself at them.
Well, except for Ryder because he was a dick at our first meeting. Though, hell, I still found him way too attractive. When that happens it can be overwhelming, it can be all you see for a moment. Even for betas.
So I don't begrudge them their moment.
Ryder and Jareth join us, avoiding each other's eyes, staying out of arm's length, like if they pretend it didn't happen then we'll all forget it. I hope it's not for my sake.
"You two had a much better first meeting than the one between Ryder and I,” I tease.
Ryder huffs. “Are you still holding that against me?"
"Always. I'm never letting it go." It’s fun to mess with him over it, he gets so flustered.
And Ryder doesn’t get flustered very often. He’s usually steady and intense, gracefully leading.
He prowls towards me, his expression predatory. “I bet I can make you forget it eventually."
I shiver, eyeing his mouth. “I guess we'll see."
Hendrix fans himself. “Fucking hell, there is too much flirting out here tonight. How am I the one acting like the responsible member of this group?"
I'm giddy with happiness and relief, so I'm having a hard time focusing on the problem we're currently facing. But the reminder helps sober me.
"How much time do you have?" I ask Jareth.
He checks his watch and grimaces. "An hour at most. Better make it half that to be safe. I can always say I needed fresh air and decided to go to the park."
Ryder’s nostrils flare. “You smell like her. It's a delicious combination, but they're going to notice it."
"I have scent canceling spray in my bag." I hold up said bag.
Hendrix sobers. “Good. Now, Moira has been working with a lawyer friend of ours to protect her daughter from her exes, so the information you gave her will be indispensable. We can get a warning to you once he sets a date to take it to a judge so you can get out of there."
"He should leave with us now. It's still not safe for him to go back, even if they don't suspect anything yet.” I turn to Jareth. “You shouldn't be trapped with them."
I hate the thought of him going back to Brad and Nicole. I hate the thought of them being anywhere near them. He’s mine.
Jareth shakes his head. “No. That might give them the heads up and you need your daughter safe before I make any move like that. Besides, I'm in a formal courtship with them, which means once it's broken, I have to report to the nearest Omega Council to be reinstalled into the exchange program. I'll be gone again."
I can’t lose him again. Especially not after he’s risked so much for me.
"Not if you let me claim you."
They'll give him a hard time for leaving two alphas for a beta, but they'll allow it. Especially since he's been in the program for ten years. He's getting a little too old.
Jareth stares at me in stunned shock, his blue eyes glittering.