Page 32 of Rejected Beta




I'M ABLE TO RELAX THEslightest bit when Ryder arrives with the food, but I can't turn my mind off, I can't stop panicking, wondering why the hell they're here.

Andhowthey're here.

How did they find us? I've stayed in other towns for longer than we've been in Neverwhere. How is it that when I finally stop running and start building a life, that they're here to ruin it?

I'm not going to wait around to find out. As soon as I can, I'm going to track their asses down and get some answers and make them understand they're not coming anywhere near Lexie.

I may have been young and foolish when I was with them before, but I wasn't completely naive. I have papers Brad signed, giving up any rights to Lexie. They can't have her.

At least I hope not.

The pizza tastes like ash in my mouth, but I force myself to eat and act like everything is fine as Lexie raves over the food and shoves as much of it in her mouth as she can.

I tap her arm. “Darling? Couch Hendrix and Mr. Bouchard are going to take you to basketball practice, okay? I'm going to be a little late."

"Why?" Lexie asks through a mouthful of food.

"I just need to run a couple errands. I shouldn't be long."

Her brow furrows. “What about talking to Jane's moms?"

"I'll be back in time to do that, don't worry."

At least I hope so.

"Okay. That's fine with me. I'm gonna go swing, is that okay?"

I nod. “Sure, darling."

Once she's gone, I turn to the two men who have somehow not peppered me with the questions in their eyes. "Her father is in town with my other ex. I've had no contact with them since I was pregnant with Lexie. He signed papers giving up his parental rights, but they can't be here by coincidence. I'm going to find out exactly what they want and what I need to do to get them to go away."

"Are you sure you should go alone?" Ryder asks, clearly displeased at the thought.

"They never hurt me that way. And it's more important to me that Lexie is safe. I know you two won't let anyone near her." I’m trusting them with the most important thing in the world to me.

And somehow it’s not even a difficult decision.

Hendrix’s chest rumbles. ”Absolutely not. We'll keep her safe. But please stay in contact with us. And I know just the lawyer who can help you. He's part of Aurora's pack and he'll be able to help if they decide to try anything."

"Thank you both. So much."

Part of me considers running, but how can I give up this new place? I've signed contracts and am still building my savings back up. I can't really afford to run.

So instead, I'm going to stay and fight for the life we've only just started to build.

But I can't plan a battle, if I don't know what they're after.

"I'm going to head out. I'm sorry to drop all of this on you tonight and thank you so much for helping us." I rise from the picnic table, wishing I’d been able to enjoy the night more.

Ryder shakes his head. “There is nothing to apologize for or thank us for. We're more than happy to do whatever we can to help you both."

I smack kisses to both their cheeks before turning to wave at Lexie, who is still happily swinging. I want to grab her up and hold her tight more than anything else, but I don't want to alarm her by acting strange or needy. This is the first time I've ever left her with anyone like this, but if I can't trust her with her teacher and her coach who have had background checks and the two people I know best in this town, I can't trust her with anyone.