Page 27 of Rejected Beta

"You'll have to pack up and come along if you want to find out."

She's never moved so fast in her life.

Love for this amazing little person swells my chest and I swallow hard at the emotion trying to overtake me. She is the best thing I've ever done in my life and I'm so grateful we're finally settled and we're both flourishing.

The future is wide open and full of possibilities.

With a last smile thrown over my shoulder at Ryder, I herd Lexie from the classroom.

"Are you excited for basketball practice?" I ask.

"Yes! It's so much fun. I wish Jane was in my class too, but I'm glad I get to see her at basketball."

She's had more luck making friendships in basketball than at school so far, but she sees Jane at lunch occasionally too and during recess.

"I'll talk to her mom tonight and see if she's interested in bringing Jane to the studio this weekend for you two to play and make some art."

I want her to make friends, to have someone other than me to spend time with.

She gasps. “Do you think she'll say yes?"

I shrug. “I don't know, darling. We can only ask."

“I hope she says yes. I really like Jane."

I haven't spoken much to Jane's parents yet, but they seem nice enough. I could use more friends who aren't anyone I have romantic or sexual interest in and so far I've only really gotten to know Aurora a little bit outside of Hendrix and Ryder.

And if they're the moms of Lexie’s closest friend, even better.

It would also be nice to meet people I feel comfortable enough to leave my kid with for a sleepover and get a break and possibly even a chance to have my own sleepover.

Having a child definitely has things moving slower with Ryder and Hendrix, which I'm glad of since the last relationship I was in, I jumped into without taking a moment to consider if it was a good idea. And now I've got another alpha I'm interested in, who has the capacity to ruin me yet again. But the beta is just as dangerous to my heart.

I just have to be careful not to ruin everything and leave Lexie with a mess she's in the middle of. Hendrix and Ryder are both very involved in her life, so the last thing I want is for whatever happens with us having her lose them.

She's already lost out on a father and a pack because of the prick I chose when I was too young and lonely. Hendrix and Ryder don't seem like the type who would break a child's heart just because a romantic relationship didn't work out. I didn't believe Brad and Nicole would ever be that type either though when I was in the middle of the relationship, being courted and isolated and head over heels in love.

I'm in no hurry with Hendrix and Ryder, and they don't seem to be either. Even if their scents are driving me crazy and the age it's been since I've been touched in a romantic way and every time I'm near them, I've started to ache for it.

"I'll definitely chat with Jane's moms tonight. I'm sure we can work something out."

"Do you think they'll let her sleep over?" Lexie asks.

I grab her hand as we hurry across the street, waving at the car who stopped for us with my free hand. “Probably not quite this soon. Parents like to get to know each other a bit better before they let others watch their kids. But it's good to start spending time together so we can maybe reach that point."

"So maybe next week?"

I chuckle. “I wouldn’t count on it that soon, darling. Let's start with a play-date and we'll go from there."

"Okay. So, what's the surprise? Are you going to tell me yet?"

"How do you feel about going out for an early dinner?” I ask. “There's a place here that has wood-fired pizza."

Her brows shoot high. “They throw the pizza in the fire?"

"Sort of. They don't throw it in there, but they do cook it over the fire."

We make it to the studio and I unlock the door, shooing her inside so we can drop her school stuff off and she can change into her basketball clothes.