Page 26 of Rejected Beta

He shrugs. “Of course. More art is always great for a town."

"I agree."

And it's something I've been thinking a lot about.

I know how much Ryder wants a true art gallery here in Neverwhere and the studio is doing so well on its own so far, it doesn't need that extra income stream. And as much as I love the space, I want it to remain accessible and a place where people feel comfortable making messes.

But a proper gallery is a wonderful space and a wonderful opportunity for artists to showcase and market their work. And if no one else has any interest in opening one, maybe it's something I could partner with Ryder on.

It's just a tiny grain of a thought at the moment, something I want to continue thinking on, and I definitely want to get to know Ryder better first, but I keep messing around with sketches in my free moments, making plans.

With a final smile at Jake, I head down the hall towards Ryder's classroom. As irritating as I find the principal, I am glad he didn't let me switch Lexie’s teachers.

The halls are loud as kids excited to get out of school are all hopped up and getting out of control.

Until I reach Ryder's classroom, where the kids are waiting quietly and reading, waiting for their parents. Ryder really does have a special touch.

It looks like I'm the first parent to arrive as I slip inside, smiling at Ryder as I aim for Lexie.

"Hey, darling. Are you ready to go?"

She barely looks up from her book. "I guess. Can you give me just a second to finish this chapter."

I bite my lip to hide my amusement and nod. "Sure. I'll just go over and speak to Mr. Bouchard for a few minutes, okay?"

She nods without answering, all her focus on her book. Thankfully, I'm used to this behavior, so it doesn't hurt my feelings. She's also gotten used to school over the past weeks we've been here, so the little separation anxiety she experienced is long gone.

Amusement dances in Ryder's emerald eyes when I approach, but his smile remains sedated and professional as he circles around his desk.

"Ms. Baker. How are you today?"

I stand on the other side of his desk, trying to keep it between us. “Excellent. What about you?"

It's odd, interacting with him this way when we've grown closer through the weekly book clubs, but we still keep things reserved when we’re together at school.

"I'm doing quite well, thank you."

I step a bit closer. "Have you gotten far in the book yet?"

He nods. “I’m almost finished. This is my favorite so far."

I brighten, standing up straight. “Mine too. I finished last night, I was up way too late."

"I guess I can see where Lexie gets it from." He gestures past me at my daughter who still has her head in her book.

I chuckle. "Yes, I've always been a big reader and I've worked hard to instill the same in Lexie.”

Sometimes reading to her was the only activity I could afford to do with her. With a library card, we could travel to all sorts of worlds and go on all sorts of adventures without spending a dime. And those times turned into some of the best memories. Though I'm glad I'm able to afford more for her now, like the surprise dinner we're going to head to tonight and maybe ice cream after a walk around town if it doesn’t get too cold, looking at the lights they leave up year round.

"You've done an excellent job. She's a clever child, you should be proud."

I rub the back of my neck, trying not to preen at his compliment. “Thank you."

Another parent arrives, breaking up the moment. Our hands brush as I turn away, making my heart skip a beat and goosebumps race across my flesh.

Thankfully, I'm able to keep my scent from spiking and so is he, so no one is the wiser as I keep my back to him and tap my knuckle lightly on Lexie’s desk. "Time to go, darling. I have a surprise planned for us tonight."

She perks up. “A surprise? What is it?"