Not a fucking podcast.

I hate to do this. I really hate to after everything. But now that the idea has crossed my mind, I can’t be talked out of it. “Mr. Neville and my dad are good friends,” I say through a tense jaw. “They went to college together.”

Resa is silent.

“In fact, I know Mr. Neville as well. He’s like…”Oh god.“Like another member of the family.”

Gross, Harley. So gross.

“If you don’t feel comfortable asking Mr. Neville to consider this opportunity, I would be happy to ask my father to–”

“No, that won’t be necessary,” she cuts me off curtly. “What’s your father’s name? So I can pass it along to Mr. Neville?”

I smile to myself. I know how women like Resa work. They’re all nonsense and no fuss but don’t want to be caught dead doing something wrong. “Kent Solace. Alpha Phi Alpha.” I add their fraternity onto the end to give it a little more of a personal flair.

“Alright. I’ll be in touch, Ms. Solace. Thank you.”

Before I can respond, she hangs up the call. My stomach drops.

That’s not a confirmation, is it? “I’ll be in touch.” That’s a threat. Or lack thereof. Almost like, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”

“Well?” Dre asks.

I stare at the receiver. “I think I fucked up.”

His brown eyes widen, dark eyebrows raising so high up on his face I’m afraid they’ll float away. “You did not let that opportunity slip away.”

I swallow.


“I know, I know, just let me–”

“That wasInfinium Entertainment. We could have had–”

I knock the receiver against my forehead in shame. “I know.”

“Farrah Quinn! Or Wesley Carpenter! Yvette Blanc!”

Three of the biggest names in Hollywood. I could have had any of them. And because of my fuckinghormonesor something, I lost out on not just a confirmed guest for next week, but an amazing show that might make a splash in the national market. “She said she’d call me back…” I say as consolation.

“Yeah, right.” Dre snatches the phone out of my hand and slams it down.

But as soon as the phone is back in its cradle, it rings to life again. Dre and I look at each other in absolute shock.

“Answer it!”

I’m already reaching for the phone. “I am!” Not going to worry about seeming eager anymore. I want this. More than anything. “H-hello?”

“Mr. Neville has agreed to an interview.”

My jaw drops. Honestly, I’m shocked he has agreed. For one, he’s a busy man. For another, I thought he’d want to keep me as far from him as possible. Maybe he hasn’t had to deal with the fallout like I have. Maybe he’s been able to move past the feelings of desire and yearning for me.

I, on the other hand, have been trapped by wanting Grant. At every moment of every day.

Keep it professional.It’s work, not play. I clear my throat. “That’s…fantastic to hear.”

Dre leaps up from his seat and covers his mouth to celebrate quietly.