“There is just one condition. Mr. Neville’s schedule is very busy, I’m sure you can understand that.”

“Of course, of course.”

“We can offer you one extended interview.”

I nod, though she can’t see me. “That’ll work just fine. We can release it in pieces throughout the week.” While it’s not my preferred way to do things, I’ve done it when I have a guest I just can’t lose. Four hours straight with a guest can be grueling, but if that’s what gets Grant into my studio, that works perfectly for my purposes.

Perfectly, in a world where I’m looking to sabotage myself at every turn.

“Great. Look out for an email from me. We will be in touch regarding logistics.”

“Yes. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome so much.”

She hangs up again.Okay, rude.

There’s no time to languish in her shortness before Dre pulls me up from my chair and starts jumping up and down with me. “You did it! You got it!”

We embrace, relief flowing through our bodies. No more scrambling on social media to find a guest. We’re set for next week.

Though there are plenty of anxieties bubbling up in the background, I cannot deny my excitement over seeing Grant again.

Just me and him. In the booth. Talking.

I’ll have to be on my best behavior.

And that’s a challenge I can’t wait to take on.



Ican’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe I’m sitting here across from Harley Solace in a recording booth at WQXR, preparing to be interviewed by her.

The big headphones on her ears make her look adorably little. Yet, not for a second does she look immature. From the moment I walk into the station, Harley is in her element, directing people where to go and what to do.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s awkward. Incredibly so. When I walked in, neither of us knew how to greet each other. In fact, I could barely speak, just as when she greeted me at the Fourth of July party. She takes my breath away with her mere presence. Her natural beauty, not tainted with makeup, is enough to bowl me over and send me into silence.

Thank god she picked up where I failed and greeted me with a simple, “Hi, how are you?” We barely exchanged two sentences before her overexcited producer interrupted us to make an introduction. Harley seemed nonplussed.

Perhaps I’ve been making a bigger deal out of all of this than it actually is. If this attraction is unrequited, that would be for the best, even if it breaks my heart the tiniest bit.

From the way she’s carrying herself, she seems unfazed that I’m here. Checking audio levels and doing a few vocal warm-ups, I may as well not be in the room.

“Alright, I think we’re ready,” Harley says into the mic. It’s like she’s right next to me rather than across the table with how her voice cuts through. “Need anything?” she asks, her brown eyes finding mine amidst the jungle of equipment.

I gulp. Need lots of things from her. And need isn’t too strong a word. My desire for her is so strong. I know we agreed it would never happen again, but I can’t help but wonder if it did, what would happen? “I think I’m good.”

“More water?” Harley nods toward my glass. “We’ll take a couple of breaks, but the first hour is usually the most difficult. Getting used to…” She gestures toward the room. “Everything.”

I chuckle and shake my head. “I’m alright on water. Thank you.”

Part of what made meeting her at the party so staggering was realizing what a beautiful woman she had turned into. Now, I get to see her in all that grown glory. Taking on the world, one interview at a time.

You might wonder why I accepted this interview when I know the best thing for me to do would be to stay away from her.

Admittedly, when Resa asked, I didn’t hesitate to agree. I hadn’t brought up the idea of an interview thinking that Harley would want to interviewme. It was a way of keeping her close and at arm’s length at the same time.