Harley goes to her sister. “What’s wrong, Amy?”
Harley shakes her head knowingly. “It has to do with Hunter, doesn’t it?”
“Oh, Hunter. A new boyfriend, Amy?”
“No!I’d ratherdie!” Amy shouts dramatically and then pulls a large sheet cake out of the fridge that’s decorated with blueberries and strawberries to look like an American flag.
Harley gives me a sheepish smile. “Hunter Ricks just moved in next door and–”
“He’s a thorn in my side! He’s always blasting music while I’m trying to draw outside! His only saving grace is his daughter, Jessica, because she’s adorable and the poor thing has this menace as a father.” Amy sighs heavily and looks down at the cake. “I asked Hunter to wait so that Jessica could have a slice of cake, but he just took her home because she’s too tired.” Amy blinks, her eyes nearly welling with tears. “She’s going to miss the fireworks.”
That must have been the guy sitting on the porch with the little girl in his lap. Poor thing.
“Ames, it’s okay. You can save a piece for her…” Harley comforts, rubbing her little sister’s back.
I’ve already overstayed my welcome in this conversation. I cast a lingering look at Harley. Even when she’s being soft for her sister, she looks absolutely divine. It feels impossible to leave her presence, but I don’t want to intrude any further.
I slip out the kitchen door without another word. Amy Solace might have just saved both Harley and me from a situation we could never come back from.
And yet, I can’t help but wish we hadn’t been saved at all.
Having set up the dessert table and made sure everyone has a chair or a blanket to sit on for the impending fireworks display, I need a fucking moment alone. To catch my breath. Or something.
No matter where I go, my body can feel Grant Neville. Like he’s my destination on a GPS.
Our conversation in the kitchen was a close call. Amy nearly walked in on something. What, I don’t know. Thank god she was all out of sorts about Hunter Ricks or else she might have thought Grant and I were standing a little too close.
I sort of wish, though, that we’d been able to continue our little…flirtation, if I can call it that. I like how he looks at me. Even the strongest of men can’t resist giving someone a once-over. I could feel his eyes traveling down my body. That’s only sent my brain into overdrive thinking of all the things he could do to me.
Harley, no. This is not how you end a dry spell.
Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve had sex. That doesn’t make it okay for me to end the dry spell with just anybody. Especiallynotmy dad’s best friend.
I glance over at my dad. He’s laughing hard at something one of his work friends has said, patting him hard on the back. He’s definitely had a bit too much to drink now that he’s not manning the grill and is acting silly beyond compare.
God, I love him.
He’s endured so much. I could never be the one to hurt him.
I have to ignore this urge, this pull inside me. It’s just a feeling. I can control it.
But of course, then my eyes find Grant’s. He’s at the corner of the party, leaning up against the column at the end of the porch. Alone. Sipping on a drink. His eyes glued to me.
I want to go to him.
And I can’t.
Deep breath.
I abandon my post at the edge of the party and slip into the darkness, up the small hill at the edge of the property. My gut is screaming at me to go back to him. I’ve been impulsive before, thinking my gut was saying the right things. But I learned my lesson the hard way.
Not going down that road again.