I get to the treehouse, scramble up the ladder, and latch myself inside.

It’s a shock the treehouse is still standing. The thing is rickety and splintery. But still…magical. Pillows and blankets piled up on the floor, starry lights that go on every night to create an ethereal atmosphere, and walls covered in posters of musicians my sisters and I liked when we were younger. One Direction, The Jonas Brothers, Tupac (listen, we’re from California, it’s in our blood).

I’ve always felt safe here.

After Mom left, I stayed up here for a week straight. I slept out here, wouldn’t speak to anyone, except Dana, who would bring me my meals.

This place. It’s a respite from how horrible the world can be. Where I can shut everything else out and just…listen to myself.

However, not long after I’ve climbed inside, there’s a soft knock on the trap door.

“Harley? You in there?”

My stomach drops. It’s him. Grant.

I crawl over to the trap door and whip it open. I nearly lose all nerve to speak when I see his face, so close to mine, peeking out through the trap door, concern emanating from his furrowed, dark brows.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“You left the party so suddenly, I just…” He stops and swallows. I watch his large Adam’s apple bob. His neck looks like a perfect place for my lips to settle. “Just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Did anyone see you come up here?”

“I don’t think so.”

I peer through the window at the front of the treehouse. Through the branches and leaves, the party remains undisturbed. Everyone is just waiting with bated breath for the fireworks. “Okay, come in. Hurry.”

Grant climbs the rest of the way into the treehouse, his long, buff body looking almost comical compared to the treehouse made for little girls. As soon as he’s inside, I close the trapdoor with haste and latch it behind me.

“Are you crazy?” I ask as I turn around to him.

He’s on his knees, unable to stand given how low the ceiling is in here. His pants are straining at the crotch and I can see an outline of his…god, his package is huge.This is not good. “Well, I–”

“What if someone saw you?!” I continue. It’s not anger in my voice, but fear. What if my sisters saw? What if my dad saw?

“I was just coming to check on you,” Grant says softly. “You seemed…tense. Surely, no one could blame me for just trying to make sure you’re alright.”

I don’t know if I can wade through this little crush I’ve developed over just the past few hours with Grant Neville. Not when he’s willing to tempt me like this. “We both know that’s not why you followed me.” Bold of me, I know. But I’m not going to back away from it any longer, especially not when he’s followed me up to the treehouse.

And we’re so utterly alone.

Grant frowns, but only for a moment. Because then he smiles. A delicious, lustful smile. “You’re right. That’s not why I followed you.”

I try to take measured breaths, but it’s hard when my pulse is starting to race.

“Tell me you’re not feeling anything and I’ll leave you alone. We never have to talk about it ever again, we can just–”

“No,” I say sternly, tightening my jaw. I’m determined. He’s going to know. “I am. Feeling something. Too much.”

Grant smiles, but quickly purses his lips. “I’m trying to be good, Harley. Really, I am.”

“So am I.”

Grant’s blue eyes fall, a lock of his dark hair falling over his forehead. “It would be wrong for us to do anything.”

It would be so wrong.

And that’s what makes it soundsoamazing.