Before he can utter another word, I’m racing away, my heart only slowing once a thick door and a lock separates me from everyone else.

Too late, I realize I’m not alone, and of course it’s the object of my first-time affection.

At first, she doesn’t notice me, so I’m free to watch her as she washes her hands and dries them before checking her hair and her perfect appearance. I’m lost in those smoky gray eyes, so I don’t notice when plush red lips open and ask me a question.


One corner of her mouth quirks. “Doing alright, rookie?”

I swallow thickly and clear my throat, wasting time before I force my mouth open. “Hi, I’m Sakura.”

Those mesmerizing eyes narrow. “Yes, I’m aware.”

I nod like an idiot. “Of course you are because you’re my boss.”

A sleek eyebrow arches. “Right.”

Then, she’s gone so quickly that I wonder if I imagined the entire exchange. Except if that’s my fantasy with the woman of my dreams, I have the lowest standards.

Finally alone, I force myself to stand where she did to study myself; force myself to answer hard questions. The hardest of all is wondering what the hell I’m doing here.

I must stay inside too long because a harsh knock rattles around inside my head and frees me from my dark reverie.

“Let’s go, rookie! Time to get to work!”

Like a shock to the heart, I find my purpose. If all she’ll give me is barked orders, then I’ll gladly accept it.


As days and weeks pass, I discover many things about my first crush. Estrella is a badass bitch. Not only is she beautiful, but she’s also strong and powerful. She accepts no bullshit from anyone, especially the men who tower over her but work under her.

The dichotomy is alluring to say the least.

And soon, my little crush is blossoming into a full-fledged obsession. Unfortunately, that obsession is completely one-sided. While I hang on her every word, practically follow her around like a lost puppy, she avoids me.

It wasn’t obvious at first. I assumed she left every room I entered because she was busy. When I asked questions, she gave abrupt answers before turning away like I didn’t exist. But I thought, hey, maybe she’s short with everyone.

But then I started seeing her joking around with the guys; giving affection in the form of playful punches and bear hugs.

Then, it was awkwardly pointed out to me by my stoic and silent Lieutenant, Beau. “What did you do to the Captain? Piss in her Wheaties?”

I gape at the tall, muscle-bound man. “What are you talking about?”

“Estrella avoids you like the plague. I’ve only been here for a few months, but from what I’ve seen, the woman’s never met a stranger she didn’t like. Yet here you are. She won’t even look at you. So, what did you do?”

I open my mouth, but when no words escape, it claps shut, my teeth clacking together loudly.

A grin grows on his handsome face. “Oh, I see.”

My nerves feel electrified and I’m not sure if I want to know, but at the same time I have to. “What do you see?” I whisper huskily.

He shakes his head. “Not my place.”


He’s already walking away.

I glance up, shocked to find the center of my new world studying me, but as soon as she notices my attention, she rushes from the room.