Page 107 of Playing With My Fire

Yet, as soon as I walk through the door, I’m welcomed by a pretty brunette with an accent that I’m fairly sure is Scottish.

“Aye, you must be Jenny?”

I nod slowly. “That’s me.”

“I’m Abi, and I’ll be working with you for the next few months. You’re just in time because the lasses were about to head out for a doctor’s appointment. They should have just enough time to take you on a little tour.”

She leads me to a communal room of sorts where a few guys are sitting around playing a video game. In the kitchen, two women of totally different statures stand at the counter with their back to us.

“Estrella, Sakura, your temporary replacement is here.”

As one, the two look over their shoulders, and I’m hit with two gorgeous faces that has me questioning my sexuality. I mean even if I was entirely straight, I wouldn’t miss how impossibly beautiful they are.

Then, they turn completely around, and I take a step or two back as I take in two extremely pregnant bellies.

“Oh, wow!”

Abi chuckles. “Yup! These two are about to pop.”

The taller Hispanic women glowers, but the Asian girl simpers. The latter offers her hand. “Hi, I’m Sakura, and the grumpy one is my wife, Estrella.”

Holy shit, they’re lesbians. As if I wasn’t already attracted enough, but no, they’re married, so definitely off limits.

Estrella’s whole demeanor changes when she turns to her wife. All grumpiness disappears replaced with so much love and adoration, it’s breathtaking. She wraps her arm around her smaller wife and pulls her close before kissing her forehead.

Abi leans into me. “They’re nauseating, aren’t they? They wouldn’t be working on the same squad, but the Chief would rather not incur Estrella’s wrath.”

“Heard that, Abi.”

The Scottish woman sticks out her tongue before losing herself in a fit of laughter. “Wasn’t trying to hide it, my friend.” She winks at me and pats me on the back. “I’ll leave you to it, but it’s lovely meeting ya, lass. Welcome to the insanity.”

I watch her walk away too nervous to look back at the couple until Sakura breaks the silence. “She’s exaggerating. I’m sure you’ll do just fine, and we’ll be back before you know it.”

Before I can reply, a big, muscled man appears. “You’ll both take as much time as you need.”

Estrella’s glare returns as she turns to the interloper. “And who the hell put you in charge?”

He ignores her as he approaches Sakura and begins to rub her back. She leans into him, and they share an affectionate smile. “How are you feeling?”

“I feel great, just a little achy.”

“Where?” His concern is adamant.

She shrugs. “Just my back and feet.”

He nods. “Remind me later, and I’ll massage both.”

Estrella harrumphs. “I can massage my wife, thank you very much.”

He snorts. “You can barely reach your own feet, and you look like you haven’t slept a wink in days. I’ll have Caleb sort you out when we all get home tonight.”

My mind is a whirlwind as I try to sort out what the heck they’re talking about. Do they all live together? With another man? Then, I notice him rubbing Sakura’s belly as she leans her head on her wife’s shoulder.

He coo’s directly at her belly. “And how’s my little man?”

Say what?

That’s when he notices me for the first time and shoots up and away from the women.