Page 8 of Unravel

“Whatabout you?Allwe’ve ever been to one another is what we have now.”

“Doyou want to pursue this withoutLuke?”Idesperately want her to say yes, but it will rip me in two if we continue without him.

Shelies back down on my chest. “Itwon’t be the same.Weare three.”

Iclose my eyes, feeling as sad as she is. “That’swho we will always be.”

* * *

Thisweek has been hell for me asImentally try to work through what happened, what could happen, and what is going to happen between the three of us.Ihad to tell my parents aboutLuke’suncle attacking him.Although,Idid bend the truth and told them the reason was that he was drunk and pissed thatLukeandRachelinherited the ranch.Theybelieve thatLukewas so upset that he left right after it happened.

Ourcamping trip is supposed to be this weekend.Schoolis outFriday, but there are two problems.Oneis football, and the other isEmber’sbirthday.

Knowinghe had been gone so long, and thatRachelwas worried, helped convince my parents to allow me to go toLuke.Ihad a talk withEmbertoo and promised thatIwould make it up to her.Shealways understands, and knowing whatLukehas been going through, she was really great about it.Coachwas not pleased, but seeing as my parents had informed him about it, he was tolerable at least.

AsI’mleaving the locker room,Icheck my phone.

RACHEL:It’ssupposed to be colder this weekend.

RACHEL:Evan,I’mreally worried.

RACHEL:Whatif he didn’t take warm clothes or enough food?

Istart to type a reply but decide to just go see her.WhenIpull up behind the house,Inotice she’s not home.Iswitch off the ignition, and afterIget out of the truck,Iwalk down to the deck next to the creek.Pullingoff my boots and socks,Isit on the edge and sink my feet into the water.It’smotherfucking cold.Seemsthe season suddenly decided to change this week.Thepast weekend was perfect weather, but it turned cooler afterLukeleft.Rachelis right, it will be much colder this weekend.I’malready prepared.Ihave packed for the weather, along with more food thanIwould normally take.Likeher,I’mconcernedLukemight not have taken enough with him.Truthfully,Iknow better.Heprobably took everything he needed with him.Thenagain, he left on the spur of the moment, so who knows?

Ilean back on my hands and swing my legs.Thecool breeze kicks up, shaking the leaves in the tree.Istare at that tree and remember…the last time.Adeep rush of emotions overtakes me, making me shiver.Ilook away to stifle the memories, but they’re strong and deep.Lyingback on the wooden deck,Istare up at the darkening sky.Myhand slides over my hardening cock and squeezes.

Fuck,Imiss him.Istill haven’t come to terms that what the three of us have is over.Theremust be some way to work it out.Thepregnancy isn’t going anywhere though, is it?

Iblow out a long breath.Thisstuff occupies my brain constantly.Ihaven’t been able to visitRachel.Ishouldn’t be here now, but she needs me.Ineed her too; just not sure we can fill the void without him.

Istare into the sky, looking for the first star.Ittakes my mind away for a bit, and my body forgets how muchImiss them both.Firstone star, and then the second, pierce the heavens.AllIcan do is wonder ifLukeis looking at them too.Ihave no idea what state he will be in whenIfind him.Ihope to hell he isn’t so angry anymore.Hisanger made me feel so damn helpless.

Thecrunch of tires on gravel has me sitting up and twisting to look behind me.Theheadlights blind me for a moment asRachelparks next to my truck.Ibarely have my feet out of the water when she hurries down the embankment and lands in my lap.Shewraps her body around mine so tightly thatIinstantly feel relief, while the succulent scent of peaches surrounds me.

Grippingher sides,Iattempt to pull her back a bit. “Comeon,Siren.Istink to high heaven from practice.”

Sheembraces me tighter. “Idon’t care.Ineed you.”

Theexpression on her face bothers me.Herembrace is so tight, it’s painful.I’mnot even ashamed that my cock is getting hard again.Runningmy hands over her curves,Ikiss her temple.

“Imissed you,”Iconfess in her ear.

“Stay!Staywith me tonight,” she pleads.

Slidingmy hand under her hair and around her neck,Ishift her head to lie on my shoulder and rock her in my arms.

“Ican’t,”Itell her reluctantly.

“Iknow,” she sighs. “Ihad to ask.”

Herhips twist as she rubs against my erection.Igroan and press her hips down.

“Iwant you.”Theneed is this physical thing that owns me wheneverIam with either of them.I’mgetting less able to resist.

Herfingers tug at my hair. “Iwant you too,Evan.”

Wecould.Itwould be so easy.Thereare only a few layers of clothes between us.Ilet my fingers work under her top and into the waistband of her scrubs.Herskin is hot and soft.Herlips crush against mine as her body rises.Thefeel of her breasts sliding over my chest makes my mouth water.Ourkiss is hungry and urgent, because fuck, it’s been too long.Herentire body is squirming with need while my heart is thundering in my ears.