Page 9 of Unravel

“Evan!” she breathes out before sliding her tongue back into my mouth.

Iyank her scrubs down a few inches and thrust my hand down the front.Findingher clit,Irub her with the same urgency she’s giving me.Sheis so damn wet that it coats my fingers.

Desperatefor breath, she pulls her mouth away from mine and rides against my hand.

“I’mso fucking hard for you right now,”Igrit through clenched teeth.

Shethrows her head back and leans against me so that my face is buried in her cleavage.Iwant her breasts in my mouth, butIdon’t want to take the time to stop touching her.Ithrust three fingers deep into her and press the heel of my hand against her swelling clit.

Pullingherself up, she begins grinding against not only my hand but my cock.Itake her lips in a hungry kiss.Wenip at each other’s lips and tongue.Thesting of her teeth zings through my body like electric bolts.Thepain feels good, always too good.

Acry leaves her lips, echoing through the evening air as her core clenches and throbs around my fingers.Idon’t stop fucking her with my hand, not for a second.Myhips buck up against her thighs, needing to be inside her.Followingright behind her,Icome in my jeans, completely out of control for her.

Inip at her throat as she begins to tremble and pant for breath.Whenshe gives me her weight,Ibury my face against her neck and kiss her softly.

Wehold one another as we come down from the high.Carefully,Iease my hand from her body soIcan hold her against me.Shesettles onto my lap, laying her head on my shoulder.Shefeels so good in my arms.

“Itfeels like we shouldn’t have done that without him,” she whispers.

Isqueeze my eyes shut. “Iknow.”Ido, because it feels empty withoutLuke.

Herfingers trail lazily down my arm. “Bringhim home.”

“Iwill,Siren.Ijust don’t know what version of himI’llbe returning.”

Morestars appear as it grows darker.Themoon that’s been in the sky all day is getting brighter.

“Ineeded you,” she whispers.

Ipress her tight against my body. “Ineed you too.Ithink he would understand,”Isay trying to console us both.

Shedoesn’t say anything more.Ican’t imagine how hard this is on her.Sheblames herself for all of it, but really, no one is to blame.

It’sfinally dark, soIknowIneed to leave. “They’reexpecting me to be home already.”

Shesqueezes me tighter. “Iknow.Ijust don’t want to let you go.”

“Youknow,Idon’t want to go either.”

Sheruns her hand through my hair and around my neck.Herlips press kisses under my jaw. “Whenare you leaving tomorrow?”

“Early.Five, ifIcan manage.”

“I’llbe awake.I’llmake breakfast.”

Ismile and kiss her hair. “Youdon’t have to do that.”

“Letme, please.”Herexpression would break any man to her will.Shelooks so needy that it tugs at my heart.

“Ifyou insist.”

Shesits up and studies my eyes for a few moments before she kisses me softly. “Sorryfor giving you blue balls.”

Iblush and look away toward the water. “Eh…you didn’t.Iactually came too.I’mkind of a mess right now.”

Herhands caress my face. “Ilove you.”

Islide my gaze back to her. “Ilove you too.”