Page 26 of Burn

“Piss off,” came my brother’s deep voice from inside.

“Open the fucking door, Zack or I’ll break it down.”

Within seconds the door swung open, and my big brother stood somewhat unsteadily before us. He reeked of alcohol, unusual as I’d never known him to drink. His hair was a matted mess, he hadn't shaved, and his crumpled clothes had obviously been slept in. “What do you two want?” he slurred.

“Do you realize how worried everyone has been? The O'Brien's had a final inspection today, the moving van was booked, and you weren't there to sign off with the Inspector. Rita called Neil.” Lance didn’t attempt to hide his anger with our brother.

“Shit, I forgot.” Zack paced the floor. “Did it get cleared?”

“Yeah, we did. What's going on? We were at Natalie’s a while ago. She’s a fucking mess and you look like you just stepped out of a train wreck. She said you upped and left during breakfast on Saturday, and she had no idea why.” I stood with my arms crossed across my chest.

“Leave it alone,” Zack growled.

There was no way I was going to leave my big brother alone until I had some answers. “No. We might be a couple of jerks, but we care about you. It's obvious you're hurting, and Natalie’s heart is breaking. Talk to us.”

“I can't,” a tear dripped onto Zack's cheek. “I didn’t mean to cause Natalie pain.”

I grabbed his arm, pulled him to a chair and pushed him down. Normally Zack would have flattened me if I'd dared to manhandle him in this way, but he seemed too weak to care. I was grateful since I was still feeling the effects of the broken nose he’d inflicted on me. “When did you last eat and sleep?”

Zack shrugged.

Lance and I dragged chairs in front of him and sat, effectively pinning him in place.

“Talk,” Lance ordered.

Zack hung his head. “I realized I love her, and it wasn’t supposed to happen.”

I laughed and his head snapped up.

“All this because you're in love?” Lance asked. “Hell, we could have told you that after we met with her the first time. The air between you two was off the charts intense.”

“What's so bad about being in love with her? She's gorgeous, smart and isn't afraid to put us in our place,” I said.

“I'm scared to death,” Zack admitted. “I've never had feelings like this for anyone. Not even Rebecca. After what happened with her I committed to staying single. I didn't want a wife, a house in the suburbs and kids. I was supposed to have been having a bit of fun with Natalie until her Mr Right came along. I was trying to give her confidence after she been rejected by so many jerks.”

“So now you’re rejecting her like a jerk because you’re scared you want love, the house and 2.5 kids?” Lance growled.

“It sounds bad when you say it like that, but, what if it isn't what she wants?”

“Have you bothered to ask her?” Lance asked.

“No.” Zack said quietly.

“Well, I suggest you do. She's not Rebecca. Natalie is not a gold-digging bitch who will move on to someone richer. I know Bec hurt you, but I never took you for a coward, big brother. You have left Natalie in a hell of a confused mess. We saw her scars and it’s obvious she hasn't had the easiest of lives. She doesn’t need your arsehole attitude being dumped on her. At least man up and explain why you have walked out so she can move on with her life and find someone who will treat her the way she deserves to be treated.” I was disgusted with my brother's behavior. How could he inflict so much hurt on such a lovely woman? Although being fair, Lance and I had both been arseholes to her in the past when she was only trying to help.

“You saw the scars?” Zack asked.

Lance responded, “Yeah, she was only wearing some nightdress thing. Natalie said you left because you finally realized you couldn't deal with her ugliness. I told her you're not that shallow, but she insisted it was the reason.”

“Of course, it's not the reason,” Zack growled. “I've told her time and time again how gorgeous she is.”

“Well, Bro, your actions are telling her something different,” I reminded. “Are you gonna man up?”

“What if it doesn't work out? What if she doesn't feel the same way about me? We haven't known each other for very long, it's only been a couple of weeks. What if…”

“That's a chance you're gonna have to take so stop whining like a ten-year-old. Natalie is head over heels in love with you. One look at her earlier and it was obvious her heart was breaking. Don't you dare compare someone as honest and real as Natalie with Rebecca. There aren't any guarantees in life, but I reckon you two will make it to the end.” I ran a hand over his arm in reassurance.

“I thought you two hated her?”