“Really? You’re gonna go there?” I sighed. “We think Natalie is a strong woman who isn’t afraid to say or do what is necessary to get businesses back on track. We just had to pull our heads out of our arses to see it wasn’t personal. And she’s fucking gorgeous with an arse that won’t quit.” Zack glared at my last words, and I grinned. Oh yeah, he was in love.
Lance stood. “Get yourself cleaned up and get rid of that godawful stench while we tidy the cabin, and we'll drive you back to town.”
“I can drive myself,” Zack protested.
“Not smelling like a brewery, you can't. If you get pulled over, we'll have to spring you from jail. I’ll drive my truck and Lance can take yours.”
Lance nodded in agreement.
Zack grabbed clean clothes from his bag and his toiletries pouch before padding off to the bathroom. When he emerged twenty minutes later the cabin was tidy, and the rubbish had been removed.
“Ready?” Lance asked.
“Yeah, thanks.” Zack answered.
Chapter Fourteen
Neil pulled the car to a stop outside Natalie's apartment block. The trip back had cleared the air between the two of us.
He and Lance had wanted to tell me they’d reconsidered their decisions and when I didn’t turn up at work, they’d gone looking for me at Natalie’s. When they had no luck there, Neil had known I was most likely at the fishing cabin.
As Neil drove, he explained that his and Lance’s homes had been listed for sale and the profits would be used to place a small deposit on more appropriate properties. The balance would be sunk back into the business. Their cars had also been traded—Neil’s for a small four-wheel drive we now sat in, and Lance's for a more modest sedan. They would rejoin me in the business with agreed conditions all three of us could live with. The details would be hashed out over the next few days.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for this,” I admitted, looking up at the apartment block.
“Sort it out, Bro. Get in there and mend your lady’s broken heart. She's a good woman and you're a fool if you let her go without a fight. We'll take care of things at work until Thursday.”
“Stacey told us Natalie has refused to go back to work before then. Spend some time together. Sort out your feelings. Discuss your fears. Lance will leave your truck here and we’ll see you on Thursday.”
I stepped from the car. “Thanks.”
Lance climbed from my truck that he’d pulled alongside Neil’s and tossed me the keys before climbing into Neil’s truck. I watched as they drove away.
I took the lift to the floor where Natalie’s apartment was, strode down the hall and sucked in a deep breath before I knocked at the door. No sound came from inside, but I waited.
“Stacey, I told…” Natalie flung the door open and stopped mid-sentence when she saw it was me. “What do you want? Don't you think you've caused me enough pain?”
I jammed my foot in the doorway as she attempted to slam the door shut in my face. Not that I blamed her. I forced my way in and closed the door behind me. She was an ungodly mess but at that moment I wanted her more than ever. “You look like shit.”
“So I've been told. What are you doing here? Come to break my heart a bit more? Rub salt in the wounds? Don't you think I’ve suffered enough? Go away.” Natalie turned away from me.
I reached out, grabbed her arm, and spun her into my chest. It pushed her over the edge and her body shook with sobs as her fists clenched at my shirt.
“Sweetheart, I'm so sorry.” I brushed the hair from her face as I held her close.
She burrowed her face into my muscle. “I wanted you so badly. Why did you leave?”
I swept her into my arms and strode to a lounge chair. Sitting down, I lowered her onto my lap and held her close. After a while the wracking sobs turned to sniffles. I offered her a tissue from the box on the table beside me.
“Thank you,” she murmured before sitting back and gazing into my eyes. The pain and confusion in hers cut me to the core. “I don't know what I did but I'm sorry I made you so angry you needed to leave? Have you come back to tell me it's over?”
“Sweetheart, you did nothing. I'm the biggest jerk on earth and I will never forgive myself for hurting you the way I have.”