Page 24 of Burn

He stayed silent as he pulled on his shoes. I was terrified. What had I done?

“Darling, please talk to me.”

He kissed my forehead before rushing to the front door.

I stayed opposite the front door, frozen in place as the door to my apartment, and life, slammed shut. I raced back to my bedroom, threw myself onto the bed and sobs wracked my body. “I knew it! I fucking knew it! I knew it was too good to be true. Why the fuck would any man want me?”

Never again would I open my heart to any man. Never again would I trust.

Men—Despicable lustful bastards, and fool that I was, I’d thought Zack was different.



I hadn’t meant to ignore Natalie and run from the apartment the way I did, but the realization had been like a punch to the gut—I was in love! How the fuck had that happened? I hadn't known Natalie long enough. I didn't fall in love—I was a confirmed bachelor. Sure, I’d let her think it was more than it really was because I wanted to have confidence in herself so she would be ready for Mr Right.

I paced my apartment like a caged lion. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. It's not possible. I love 'em and leave 'em. It's always understood, I DON'T fall in love. I am NOT a long-term guy. Rebecca taught me the hard way that love can be thrown back in your face.” I crushed the empty cola can and threw it against the wall. I had to get out of here, visit the mountains and fish, clear my head.

I tossed some clothes into an overnight bag, gathered my fishing equipment, and slammed the door as I left the apartment. The little cabin I owned at the lake a few hours away, would provide the solace I craved and straighten me out—or so I hoped.

Natalie invaded my thoughts throughout the drive. Images of her body, both naked, and in that damn pink negligee, flooded my mind. I knew she would be hurt by the way I’d left so abruptly but what else could I do? I couldn’t deal with this on top of what was happening with my brothers. Bottom line? I was a wimp. A coward. Any thought of love between me and a woman had my heart thumping in my chest and sweat flooding my brow. It had taken me years to get over Rebecca after falling in love with her. I was not going to put myself through that kind of torture again.

I parked the car in front of the cabin and climbed from the driver's seat. It was a perfect summer's day. The sun's warmth penetrated my back as I stood gazing over the water. Calmness descended.

I was safe, but sooner or later I had to return.

Chapter Twelve


I waited for the beeps before leaving a message, “Stacey, cancel all my appointments for the next three days please. Tell the clients I have fallen ill and apologize for the inconvenience.” I placed the receiver back in its cradle, grabbed a cold drink and curled up on the lounge.

Tears cascaded down my face like water over a dam wall. I didn’t understand why Zack had become angry and left so suddenly. We hadn't quarrelled. Had he finally realized; I was damaged goods?


I lost track of time and had no idea how many hours had come and gone or even what day it was. The phone rang and after a while I pulled the cord from the wall to silence it. My mobile then began taunting me, so I switched it off.

I’d finally dozed off when a hard banging at the door startled me awake. “Go away.” I shouted.

“Open the door, Natalie.” Stacey yelled. “I have Zack's brothers with me. I swear if you don't open the door, I’ll tell them to kick it down.”

She bloody well would too. I staggered from the lounge and threw the door open.

Stacey stood in the doorway with Lance and Neil at her back. “What the hell is going on? You look like a cat that's been dragged through a fence backwards.”

I turned away, running fingers through my tangled hair. Stacey and the two men pushed into my apartment and closed the door.

“Why the fuck are you here?” My glare locked on Lance and Neil. “To gloat?”

Stacey wrapped an arm around my waist.

The men were silent, their eyes focused on my uncovered scars.


“Where's Zack?” Lance demanded to know.