Page 23 of Burn

And she did. She screamed and shook as I relentlessly pulled every ounce of orgasm from her. When she pleaded with me and cried out that she could take no more, I dragged her into my lap and crushed her lips against mine.


The delicious scent of bacon frying permeated my senses as I awoke. I stretched and turned my head towards the bedroom door. Natalie stood in the doorway in an almost sheer pink negligee. Every curve was outlined. Teasing, Taunting. Every inch of her was pure woman. My cock's interest peaked.

“Good morning sleepyhead.” She lifted a coffee cup in mock salute. “Coffee?”

I stretched and the sheet slid down my body. I watched her rake lust filled eyes over every inch of my frame. “Hmm, yes please. Is that bacon I smell?”

“Yes, it is. I thought as it was Saturday, you might like to sleep in, and I'd cook breakfast for you.”

“You think good.”

“Where would you like to eat? In bed or at the table?”

“Anywhere. I'm ready to feast on your luscious body.”

She blushed. “Not me…breakfast, food. You know…sustenance.”

“Damn, and here I was hoping you were the first course.”

“Are you never satisfied?”

“Not where you're concerned, or so it seems.”

Natalie laughed before she left the room. I stretched like a sleek, satiated cat and slid out of bed.

Chapter Eleven


Zack had showered and I heard him enter the kitchen where I was putting the finishing touches to our meal.

When I turned, it was a miracle the pan I was holding didn’t slip from my hand. He wore nothing but a towel. The man's body was illegal—lusciously criminal and so beautiful I had to force myself not to drool. How the hell I had attracted him mystified me, but I’d take him anyway. “Do you want to get dressed, this will keep for a few minutes?”

“Nope.” He slid into a chair at the table.

“Are you sure?” How the hell was I supposed to eat with his naked chest directly across from me? “You are very distracting wearing only a towel.”

“I'm distracting? Have you looked at yourself in a mirror? That, nightie, wrap, whatever you are almost wearing hides nothing. I've been hard since I set eyes on you in the bedroom.”

“Sorry, I'll change.”

Before I could leave the kitchen, Zack reached out, grabbed me, and pulled me onto his lap. His arms surrounded me as I was hauled close for a kiss. His hard cock pressed into my backside, evidence he had been telling the truth about being aroused.

“Please, get our breakfast and sit your pretty little arse down. Eat while you can because as soon as we’re finished I intend to spend the day teaching you how many ways there are to make love. You are going to need energy…lots of it.”

I bounced to my feet and finished dishing up breakfast. As I placed Zack’s plate in front of him, he slid his hand inside my negligee and tweaked my nipple. I squealed with surprise.

He laughed when I jumped back and pulled the sheer material back in place before sitting opposite him. “Your face is redder than the tomato sauce.” Zack’s laughter faded abruptly, and his fork clattered against the plate before hitting the floor. His expression resembled sheer terror.

I jumped to my feet and retrieved the fork, wiping it thoroughly on a napkin before placing it back on the table. “Are you okay?” I placed my hand on his overheated brow. “You're warm and very pale.”

“I'm fine,” he muttered. “I have to go.” He pushed to his feet and stumbled from the room.

I followed him to the bedroom and watched as he dressed with quick, jerky movements.

“Zack, I'm sorry if I did something wrong.” Tears tracked down my cheeks.