I hug him a little closer, nuzzling his arm with my lips and I giggle when he grunts a little approval on my neck.
Then something else catches my attention on the screen of my cell. Notifications.
I've got to have at least fifteen texts from Belle, their content unusually giddy but no longer so shocking after the little surprising back and forth we had while Phillip and I fairly devoured our little nocturnal snack when we took a break from all the um… loving.
I snicker when I see she sent me one in which she’s asking me to 'compare notes asap'.
I fire her a quick reply, setting up a meet soon. I don't want to be away from Phillip yet, I feel as if unless he is within touching distance from me at all times at least for a while I won't be able to believe I'm not hallucinating this whole thing. But I do want to know what's going on with my friend.
I wince to myself and a little breath hisses through my lips when I see how many texts and missed calls I have from my dad. I frown. Damn. He sounds really worried and I feel so bad about it.
I've been on my own for years and I'm not used to having to tell people where I'm at or where I'm going.
My father is well aware that I'm a grown woman and he's usually pretty laid-back about my comings and goings and I've made his life fairly easy since I'm never out this late to begin with, but last night when he asked me if I would spend the night at Belle's after the party, I said I wouldn't and yet I never made it back home.
I should have remembered to fire him a quick text last night, but I was so caught up in my feelings for Phillip and my disappointment and annoyance at Fay for what she did to us for no reason I could think of, that it completely slipped my mind.
I internally debate calling him but nix the idea. I might be comfortable all naked in my naked man's arm, but I'm not at a stage where I could have phone conversations in the buff, especially not with my dad. Yuck.
I type him a quick message instead.
Me:"Dad, I'm so SRY! I'm OK."
His reply comes in seconds.
Dad:"Thank God, Rory! I was ready to call the Sheriff, but Fay talked me out of it."
I purse my lips. I'm sure she did. Shelovesme so much, she wouldn't care less if I lived or died. I might not know what warranted such disdain and disregard for my feelings from someone I've treated with nothing but kindness and friendship since we met, but there it is.
Me:"I should have called or texted."
Dad:"That's okay, honey. Don't fret: I'm not going to ground you for this ;)"
Me:"Ha-ha. Very funny, Dad."
Dad: "Did you have a good time at the party?"
I hesitate slightly, my fingers poised over my screen, and then I type out some more:
Me:"Met someone special from my past."
Dad:"How special?"
I smile. We've always been close, but not into talking about boys so this is a little weird. I want him to know, though. This is too important to keep from him. Besides, I could barely talk Phillip out from going over there and have it out with Fay there and then last night. We decided we'll go sometime today to get some of my stuff so I can stay over as Phillip told me he can't bear the thought of us not sleeping in the same bed after what we shared. Once we are there, to quote my man, we will 'do whatever it fucking takes to find out why that evil fucking bitch did this to us or so help him God, he will make her pay'.
I can't deny I'm apprehensive about knowing her reasons since my father is going to be undeniably affected in the process of whatever argument we're going to have with that witch. I know he doesn't really love her, not like he did my mom, he has told me so himself many times. In the past few years, whenever I've inquired about his intentions to live full-time with her or to marry her at some point he has always firmly replied that it wasn't in their plans, that they merely had a wish for 'mutual companionship' and that she's well aware he is unable to commit further and even happy about it as she's so much focused on her career as a well-renowned divorce attorney.
I hope to God he wasn't downplaying his feelings for her, because one, this will sting for him even if she is just a girlfriend, and two, there's no way I would ever want to have anything to do with her after what she did to me and to Phillip.
Finding out why she did what she did is only a formality, no matter what Fay says, she is, as of last night, nothing to me.
My dad sends another text:"Rory?"
Me:"Very special, Daddy."
Dad:"Does Mr. Very Special have a name?"