"I know the feeling, baby. Believe me. I just want you to know there's nothing to be embarrassed of. If waiting was the right thing to do for you, then it's a good thing you did. And if I can be selfish for a second here, it's a great thing that you did for my sake too. It fucking makes me happy that I'll be the only one to ever have you. I wasn't a virgin when I met you, but there's not a doubt in my mind I would have waited for you forever if I had been one at the time. I haven't been with someone else since way before the night I first held you, baby."
"Oh, God, Phillip! I love you so much!" she blurts out as more tears roll down her cheeks.
I dry them with my lips and my thumbs. "I love you too, little doll. I always have. Always will."
Chapter 7
My eyes slowly blink open and a large smile spreads on my face.
I'm all achy in unusual, wonderful places, but I'm in comfy-cuddly paradise right now and I can't remember ever feeling this rested and content upon waking up once in the last seven years. I can feel Phillip's large, warm body pressed tight to my own, his sinewy, hairy chest is plastered to my back, his long, strong arms are wrapped securely around my body.
His steady breathing and the tickle of the stubble on his chin feel like a dream on the tender skin of my clavicle.
One of his big roughened hands is cupping one of my breasts and the other is splayed open over my lower stomach, the heat of his palm sending delicious little zings of pleasure through me, the tips of his fingers grazing my private little curls.
I feel his rock-hard erection pushing at my lower back and my grin gets bigger.
I never imagined being this intimately spooned to someone could feel so perfect, so right.
I sigh, one of my hands sneaking up to stroke the back of the hand open over my beating heart.
My lack of experience before I met Phillip and the self-imposed isolated way I chose to live my life for the last seven years had me convinced that it would feel awkward to be up close and personal —and naked— to a guy, especially in the light of day, but instead, I feel perfectly at ease in his arms.
My bookworm-status is not nearly as obsessive as Belle's —I don't think there's a person that lives and breathe books more than she does on the entire planet-, but I've perused my fair share of romance novels and I'm bold enough to like them on the steamy side, so I wouldn’t ever be able to precisely tell how many times I've read about the male protagonist of a story 'worshipping' the curves of his voluptuous beloved, and being a big girl I've always thought that was where the author had really gone wild with the fantasy aspect of things.
But oh boy, Phillip proved me wrong over and over again last night, until every last bit of my self-consciousness had been stripped away.
So here I am in a tangle of sheets and limbs, utterly and completely happy for the first time in forever, gloriously naked and sore, virgin-card finally punched through —pun intended—, in bed with the man I love —the man who loves me back!—, not an inch between us while our hearts beat in sync and his comforting, sexy scent of pine, sandalwood and sweat surrounding me.
I crane my neck to try and look through the thin opening between the heavy curtains hiding the large bay window.
I can see a single sliver of bright white light. Which tells me it's day but gives no other indication of what time it may be.
Phillip went to retrieve our phones from the discard pile between round two and three because he was a little worried for one of his brothers, while I made us a little snack, so my cell is on the nightstand closer to my side now.
I gently try to wiggle free of his possessive grasp and while I can't get far I do manage to reach the phone with the tips of my fingers and inch it closer bit by bit until I can finally clasp it.
I wake the screen and when I see it's almost three freaking p.m., my eyes widen.
Holy shit.
No wonder I feel this good!
The last thing I remember from this morning was snuggling in Phillip's arms after making love —yet again, my man really has impressively durable battery life!— and him murmuring into my ear that we should get some sleep since it was almost seven a.m.
This is amazing. He has accomplished the impossible without even trying. The memory of his voice has always been so soothing to me, but I could never in a million years have expected that his touch, his mere loving, calming presence could have such an effect on me.
Not even with sleeping pills I can crash for so many hours in a row. If I'm lucky, I get maybe four hours of sleep, and even then it's not completely uninterrupted since I still have so many nightmares about that night.
And yet here I am after a seven-hour-long nap and no nightmares woke me, it was Phillip's light snoring that did it and the cute way he mumbled my name in his sleep.
I don't know what to call this.
A… a miracle?
I've always known I loved him and I was sure he was my soulmate and if this doesn't prove it, I don't know what could.