“I’m afraid we have a prior commitment,” Adam said.

“That's a shame,” the man said, finally looking back to Adam. They nodded to each other, and the man continued into the club.

I looked up at Adam. “What just happened?”

“I’ll explain in the truck,” he said tensely. He started walking, pulling me alongside him. He was moving as fast as possible without drawing attention, and I had to jog to keep up. We got back to the truck, and he was peeling away from the curb before I even had my door closed.

“Shit! Adam!” I slammed the door shut and turned sideways on the seat to face him. “What’s wrong?”

His jaw was clenched, and he had a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel.

“Was that a vampire?” I asked, already knowing the answer.


“Are we in trouble?”


I waited for him to continue but he fell silent. “You need to tell me what's happening, Adam, ‘cause I’m starting to freak out. Was he part of the Strategoi?”

Adam shook his head. “He knows you're a newborn.”

“Which is… bad?”

“Yeah. It's bad. The Strategoi only hears requests forchangesonce a year, at an annual gathering that takes place in March. So right now he’s wondering how he just met a newborn in October.”

“Maybe hedidn’tknow.”

“Newly turned vampires have a distinct smell, half human, half vampire. Over the first few weeks, the human scent gradually wears off until all that’s left is vampire.”

“Maybe he won't tell anyone,” I whispered fearfully.

Adam reached over and took my hand. “He will, Sarah. He’ll do it to prove his loyalty to the Strategoi. To earn their favor.”

“So what do we do now?” I asked.

“We run.”

We got home an hour before dawn. It was too late to run. Adam told me we’d have to stay for the day and head out as soon as the sun went down. He sent me up to bed, telling me there were a few things he had to take care of.

I lay in bed, too alert to sleep, jumping at every sound. After a while Adam came in, and I sighed with relief.

“We’ll leave as soon as the sun sets,” he told me as he took his clothes out of the dresser and stuffed them into a large, black duffle bag. “There’s a place in Tennessee. We’ll stop for a night, then move on. We need to get as far from here as possible.” He zipped the duffle bag and kicked off his shoes before climbing into bed with me fully dressed. I had changed out of my sundress into leggings and a t-shirt. I snuggled close to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

“I promise I won't let anything happen to you,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting tears.I should never have stayed with Adam. He was in danger because of me. I needed to find a way to leave him, to keep him safe. But I had no idea how to survive on my own. Where would I go? My apartment was out, since I was getting evicted. Going home to Allie was out of the question. I’d probably end up attacking her.I racked my mind, trying to form a plan, until I eventually drifted off.

Chapter 14

IwoketoAdamgripping my shoulders. “They're here,” he whispered. Before I had a chance to react, the door was kicked in and what looked like a SWAT team burst into the bedroom.

There were six of them, dressed in black tactical gear that left only the bottom half of their face visible. They were all armed, and the red lasers from their guns glowed in the darkness. Adam and I both jerked up-right in bed and Adam shoved me behind him.

“Adam De Clare,” one of them spoke, revealing his fangs. “You are to stand before the Strategoi to be judged for your crimes.”

“No!” I shouted over Adam’s shoulder. “He didn’t do anything! This is all a misunderstanding! Tell them Adam!” I looked at him but he remained silent.