Two of them approached the bed, and I shrank back against the headboard.

“Don’t struggle,” Adam said quietly.

The two guards grabbed us and pulled us off the bed while the others kept their guns on us. They bound our wrists with large, heavy handcuffs that looked like something out of a medieval dungeon.

“Please, let us explain!” I begged, as they dragged us out of the room. I tripped and stumbled as they pulled me down the hall. When we reached the top of the stairs, I could see more armed vampires standing at the bottom. One of them opened the front door, and the soft rays of the setting sun filled the entryway.

I shrieked and tried to scramble backwards up the stairs, but was shoved forward again.

“Adam!” I screamed, watching them lead him towards the door.

“It’s alright Sarah,” he said, looking over his shoulder at me. “I’m with you.”

Adam flinched when he stepped into the sun. His jaw clenched, but he remained silent, even as his skin began to redden and flake. Then he was through the door and out of sight.

“Move.” The vampire behind me shoved me again, almost making me fall down the stairs.

“No!” I begged, trying to grab at the railing. “Please! No!”

I screamed when I stepped into the sunlight. The pain was unbearable. I tried to cover my face with my arms, but someone grabbed my bound wrists and yanked me forward. I stumbled after them, blinded. My vision was completely red. I felt my skin crack as it burned. I continued to scream as they dragged me along.

It seemed like an eternity, but it was only a few steps until I was thrown into the back of a van. I was still blind, but I could feel the cold metal floor against my cheek. I heard the door slam shut before I lost consciousness.

I came to slowly. The vibration of the moving van was the first thing I noticed, then the hard metal surface beneath me. I opened my eyes, and a sob escaped me when I realized I could see again. Adam was sitting on a metal bench on the other side of the van. His wrists and ankles were shackled to the van with thick metal chains. His eyes were locked on mine.

I started to push myself up into a sitting position and became aware that I was also chained to the van. Although my chains allowed me some freedom to move, Adam was locked tight in place.

I whimpered his name, and the muscle in his jaw ticked, but he did not respond. I looked down at my hands and saw that my skin was smooth and unburnt.How did that happen?

Two vampires rode with us, sitting at the back of the van near the doors. They were facing us, but I couldn’t see their eyes through their dark visors. Each of them held a baton in their lap.

“Where are you taking us?” My voice was rough and scratchy. Neither vampire responded.

“This is all a big misunderstanding,” I said, clearing my throat. They continued to ignore me. I glanced at Adam, who was still watching me silently.

“He didn’t change me,” I told them. “We don’t know who did. He was just giving me a place to stay. He didn’t do anything wrong.” No response. “Tell them Adam.” He looked at me but said nothing.

“Why won’t you say anything?” My voice cracked with emotion. He looked at the guards and one of them smirked. Adam lowered his gaze to stare at the floor.

I stared at him.Why wouldn’t he say anything? Why didn’t he try to defend us? I knew we were too outnumbered to fight, but he could at least try to explain our situation. He could at least tell them he was innocent.

I clenched my jaw to hold in my sobs and turned my face away. I leaned against the side of the van, the chains that bound me digging into my skin.

We rode for hours in silence. Eventually the van slowed and turned into what I thought was a driveway or parking lot. The engine cut off and the two guards climbed out of the back, leaving Adam and I alone.

“We are going to stand trial,” Adam said quietly. I looked at him and our eyes met. “It doesn't matter what we've done, only what they think we've done. Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t exist in our world. I wish I could tell you that everything will be okay, but it won't. They will sentence us both to death.”

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and I strained against my chains trying to get closer to him.“Adam.”

“I'm sorry, Sarah,” he said, his eyes rimming with unshed tears. “I'msosorry.”

Four guards reappeared at the back of the van and trained their gun lasers on us. A fifth climbed inside and unhooked us from the benches, leaving our hands cuffed in front of us.

“Out,” he said, his voice cold.

I watched Adam stand and climb out of the van, then the guard turned to me. I stood on wobbly legs and climbed out of the van. I started to fall and one of the other guards grabbed my arm and jerked me upright. I looked around and saw we were in an underground parking garage. There were a few black vans like the one we just climbed out of, a row of military Humvee looking vehicles, and two rows of luxury cars.

“Where are we?” I asked. Instead of replying, the guard at my side yanked on my arm, pulling me away from the group.