He was beautiful. There was no other word to describe him. He was several inches taller than me, with messy brown curls and blue-gray eyes that held my gaze with a hypnotic intensity. I knew I should be afraid, but for some reason I wasn’t.

“You’re a vampire,” I whispered.

“As are you.” His voice was calm, but his eyes were sharp.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“My name is Adam.”

I stared at him waiting for more, but that was it.

“Why did you bring me here?” I asked again.

“Should I have left you in the park with the man you just killed? The way that woman was screaming, you would have been discovered in no time. Unless you killed her too, that is. Killing a human is punishable by death, as you know.” He looked at me, as if expecting a response. I stared back at him, my eyes wide.

“Didyou know?” he asked, his eyes narrowing.

I shook my head.

He frowned. “Where is your master?”

“I- I don’t know what you mean,” I stammered.

He took a step closer, causing me to take a step back.

“I’m sorry.” He held up a hand. “I don’t mean to frighten you. But finding a newborn alone is concerning for several reasons.”

“Newborn?” I asked, my voice cracking. Then the words started pouring out of me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know what's happening to me.” I sounded unhinged, even to myself. “This isn’t real!” I shouted. “None of this is real!”

“It's alright,” he said gently. “Why don’t we go inside and you can tell me all about it.”

“Inside?” I repeated dumbly.

He looked past me, and I turned around to see a two-story house, its white paint peeling with age and neglect. The front porch was half hidden by vines, and the windows were boarded up. I’d thought we landed in a meadow, but it was really the overgrown lawn in front of this dilapidated house.

“In there?” I asked, my voice barely a squeak. It was a house out of a horror movie. Someplace only a serial killer would live. Or a vampire.

He chuckled. “It's not so bad on the inside. Come on.” He walked past me, not bothering to see if I followed.

I watched him walk towards the house, then I looked around at the dark forest surrounding me.Where was I? Deciding I didn’t have too many options, I started after him, jogging a few steps to catch up.

Chapter 7

Ifollowedhimupthe rickety steps, into the house. The entryway was small, with a narrow staircase on the right and a long hallway leading toward the back of the house. Directly to the left was a doorway, which he passed through. I followed him into the room, stopping just inside the door to look around.

The age of the house was evident in the warped floorboards and peeling wallpaper, but it was clean and somewhat furnished. A long sofa with a sheet draped over it took up most of the room. There was a fireplace on the far wall, and in front of it was a small wooden table with two chairs. Long dark drapes covered the windows, but unlike the rest of the room, they looked new.

“Please, sit down.” He motioned to the couch, and I walked over and slowly sat.

I watched him warily. This whole situation seemed surreal. He picked up a wooden chair from in front of the fireplace and carried it over to the carpet, placing it across from me. He sat down and looked at me expectantly.

“Tell me everything,” he said.

So I did.

I told him about the attack in my apartment, and how I woke up the next day alone and horribly sick. I told him about how the wounds on my face had magically healed, then I had to backtrack and tell him about being attacked on the street a few days before. I told him about my trip to the grocery store, and what happened in the park.

“I killed a man.” My hands began to shake as I remembered.