I could hear his blood rushing through his veins. It called to me. I felt a sharp pain in my gums and the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. I clenched my jaw, keeping my lips firmly closed.

I rounded the corner of the aisle and saw him standing behind the counter. I could see his pulse beating at the base of his neck, and unwillingly my lips parted.

So I ran. Clutching the meat to my chest, I ran straight past him and out the door.

“Hey!” he yelled. But I was gone.

Before I knew it, I was back in the park. I dropped my stolen goods, all but one package. I tore into it, not even knowing what it was. After devouring it, and a second package, I leaned against a tree to catch my breath. And then the nausea hit me, and I bent over and threw everything up. When I was done puking, I stood upright and wiped my face with my sleeve. Then I heard a woman scream.

The sound was quickly silenced, but I could hear the movements of a struggle. Without thinking, I ran towards the sound. It all happened in a matter of seconds. I saw him on top of her, holding her down and pulling at her clothes.

My vision went red, and in one fluid movement I yanked him off of her and sank my teeth into his neck. We fell to the ground together, my body landing on top of his. He didn’t even struggle as I tore at his flesh. I was in a frenzy, until I wasn’t. A feeling of warmth swept over me, calming me. I shuddered and lifted my head, pulling my teeth from his neck. I sat up, straddling his body and slowly licked my lips.

The satisfaction I felt at that moment was indescribable. I closed my eyes for a moment, savoring the feeling, until I heard a noise behind me.

My eyes flew open as I twisted my head to look over my shoulder. The woman laying on the ground behind me was pushing herself up into a sitting position. Our eyes met and her eyes widened. And then she started to scream.

I meant to tell her she was safe, but my vision narrowed to the smear of blood on her lower lip and I lost myself to the madness once more.

I flew at her, and when my fangs were mere inches from her neck, I slammed into a solid wall and was flung backwards through the air. I hit the ground hard and slid several feet before stopping. I blinked up at the sky, momentarily stunned, then I pushed myself up into a sitting position and looked around.

A figure was hunched over the woman, who had fallen silent. Before I had a chance to react, he stood up and spun around to face me.

“What were you thinking!” he shouted angrily.

My eyes went to his mouth. There was blood smeared across his lips. I looked past him to the woman on the ground.

“You killed her,” I whispered shakily.

“Of course I didn’t kill her.” He scowled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “But you killed him.” He motioned to the body on the ground between us.

“I-” I only managed one word before my body started to shake uncontrollably.

He took a quick step towards me and I scrambled backwards, holding up a hand to ward him off. He froze.

The woman on the ground moaned, and I jerked my head to look at her.

“Where is your master?” the man asked angrily, causing me to jerk my head back towards him.

“She’s alive!” I pointed at the woman.

“As I said.” His tone was impatient. He took another step towards me. “Whereis your master?”

“I- What?” My eyes darted back and forth between him and the woman.

A police siren pierced the air, causing me to jump. I lept to my feet, and in one quick motion he grabbed me and yanked me hard against his body, his arms going around me. We shot up into the air so fast I didn’t have a chance to scream. I squeezed my eyes shut and clung to him.

The wind tore past us, yanking at my clothes and my hair. Then we were falling. It was like being on a roller coaster. My stomach was in my throat, and I clenched my jaw hard, trying not to vomit. A second later we hit the ground with a jarring thud.

He let go of me and I tumbled off of him and landed on the ground. I was gasping, struggling to breathe. I lay flat on the ground, my hands clenching the tall grass, trying to anchor myself to the earth.

“You are unaccustomed to flying.” He said it as a statement, not a question. Still clinging to the grass, I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He bent and reached towards me.

“No!” The word burst out of me, causing him to freeze. He straightened, his hand falling to his side.

“What you’re feeling will pass,” he said, casually sliding his hands into his pants pockets.

He was right. I was beginning to feel better already. I let go of the grass and slowly sat up. I glanced up at him, towering over me, and climbed to my feet. I brushed my hair out of my face and really looked at him, the sight nearly stopping my heart.