Page 7 of Down Down Baby

Chapter Four



“Do you like seafood?” Sloan asked as we made our way down the boardwalk.

He was a perfect gentleman.

Who knew.

It was that never judge a book by its cover thing. As a general rule, I didn’t. But the dark shirt, jeans, and slightly scruffy ‘do Sloan had going for him, made me think he was a little rough around the edges.

Just my type.

Just the type that had broken my heart before.

So I was delighted that Sloane had layers, and that one of them was chivalry. Especially after that dickweevil that accosted me while I waited had the absolute audacity to act like I should be grateful for his crude attention.

Guys like him were a dime a dozen in my world. That was why it was important that any man I said yes to, knew up front, I expected to be respected.

Sloane hadn’t flinched when I told him no carnival style food for our date. Didn’t even look surprised. Just… accommodating. And if he wanted to impress me, well… it was easy.

Listen to me. Never feel threatened by my confidence. And feed me.

So far, Sloane was doing well.

“I love seafood,” I answered. “And there are so many places to choose from here. Unlike where I’m from. Gosh, I’d die for some great crab legs right about now.”

“Where would that be?” Sloane asked.

“Well, I’m originally from Arizona but I moved to Denver to be closer to family. Both places are pretty deficient in the seafood department,” I said, placing my free hand on his arm as well so that I was nearly hugging his bicep.

Closer. I had the undeniable urge to get closer to this man.

I’d say it was because he smelled divine, but it was more than that.

Even though I’d only known him an extra short period of time, I felt… safe. Protected. I’d read the room when he arrived to find dickweevil being mean. Sloane had wanted to pummel him for his rudeness, and now he was treating me like a queen.

There was something wildly attractive about a man who could be both a brutal defender and a tender hand.

“Needless to say,” I continued, “I’ve been consuming my fill while here on the island.”

“Have you been here long?” Sloane’s voice held the barest hint of an edge.

“Three days. My vacation has only just started. I’m here for three weeks.”

He said nothing as he guided me down a hidden row of steps to a set of double doors on the lower level. A sign above the entrance read Aqua|rium and there was a framed menu outside to let passersby know to expect higher menu prices.

Inside, there were even more indicators that the place was high end. Pristine cloths covered the tables, and real candles flickering in the center of each. The entire place glowed with dim lighting that would make even Medusa feel like a beauty queen.

“I have the private room reserved,” Sloane told the hostess.

Private room? This was only a restaurant right?

“Excellent.” The hostess smiled at him and I held my breath for his reaction. “This way, please.”

She was beautiful. Young and shapely. A queen, to be sure. But if there was one thing I couldn’t stomach, it was a man whose attention was divided when it should be quite narrowly focused.