Page 6 of Down Down Baby

It wasn’t my fault he wasn’t looking where he was going, but I sure as shit didn’t feel a shred of remorse as he turned to walk away and bounced his fucking face right off my chest.

Gia noticed me at the last second, her eyes widening, but she said nothing. The little guy with the nasty mouth couldn’t see past his own sneer and got a face full of Sloane before stumbling backward. I didn’t have to do a thing but stand there.

He tried to grab at anything nearby to catch his fall and caught the sleeve of Gia’s blouse, yanking at it to steady himself. She teetered a bit, but remained standing.

To my chagrin, the shithead didn’t fall, but he had a firm grip on Gia’s shirt.

“Let go of her. Now.” I’d already started kicking the shit out of this guy in my head. I just needed him to let go of her shirt before I could knock him off his feet again.

“As if I’d want to hang on to her. Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” The idiot had the gall to throw blame on me while clinging to a woman he’d just insulted. “You could have hurt me, you know?”

“I haven’t gotten started yet, but keep running your mouth. You’re racking up a tab and I cannot wait to collect on your ass.”

Only then did he realize the danger he was in. With an attitude like his, I wondered how this guy missed getting his ass kicked on the daily. Then I remembered this was Ember Island. He was probably used to getting whatever he wanted.

Well, he couldn’t have Gia. But he could have an ass kicking.

“Are you kidding me?” He sneered. “In front of all these people, you think you can lay a hand on me? Are you an idiot? I’ll have you thrown out of here so fast...” Then, when my opinion of him couldn’t get much lower, he cupped his hands around his mouth like a megaphone and screamed. “Security. Help! Security!”

Holy shit, it was almost too easy.

It looked fun, so I mimicked his movements and joined in his yelling while Gia just stared at the both of us, invested in the outcome of the twisted sketch comedy act she was unwittingly taking part in.

“Security! Help. Oh wait, I have their number. I forgot.” And smiling like a hyena, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed the second listing on my speed dial.

“Yeah Eliza, hey I don’t have my radio so I had to use my phone. But I have a situation over here on the boardwalk in zone six. Yeah, right next to the coaster. Oh yeah, we’re right in front of it. A case of sexual harassment with some threats of physical violence. He definitely needs removed. Want to send some of your guys out this way? I’d handle it but I have a lady friend with me and we have plans.”

I listened to Eliza for a second and looked up to see two yellow shirted employees with radios on their hips walking towards us. Security was everywhere on the boardwalk, and with a boss as organized and efficient as Eliza, I’m surprised they didn’t show up before I finished hitting the speed dial.

“You can’t kick me out. Who the hell do you think you are?”

“I’m not kicking you out.” I told the red faced man huffing and puffing in front of me. “They are. And who do I think I am? I’m the guy lucky enough to get a date with this goddess. Now if you don’t mind, you're encroaching on my time, so piss off.”

I thought about grabbing Gia’s hand as we walked away, but thought better of it after someone had nearly manhandled her. “May I?” I asked and held my arm out, ala perfect gentleman style.

She raised one dark eyebrow, like she was debating calling me out on my bullshit, but then smiled and linked her arm through mine.

“You may.”

Excellent. Only about forty-five minutes past the time we were supposed to start our date and we were almost ready to go. But as security relieved us of our burden, and walked him away towards the security office, I had to get in one parting shot.

“Buddy, you could never. And I mean never, get with a woman like this. I don’t even have advice for you. You just… don’t have what it takes.”

I meant he didn’t have enough respect for women or people in general but he could take it as a dick reference if he wanted. I wasn’t worried about his interpretation.

I almost felt sorry for him, ranting like a lunatic, mad because his game got turned around on him and his perceived prize stolen from him. But people like him didn’t learn. They thought they could say what they wanted and do what they wanted with no consequences. I met people like him every day. Yawn.

But Gia, she didn’t deserve any of what just happened. I could only try to make it up to her. I’d let her rant or rave, get it off her chest if she needed. Then I’d attempt to salvage our date.

But of course she shocked me when the first words out of her mouth had nothing to do with the nasty piece of work she’d just dealt with.

She flipped her dark hair over one shoulder, pursed her full lips in a semi pout and asked, “I’m hungry, Sloane. What’s for dinner? And remember, no food on sticks. I’m a lady.”

I had no doubt that she was as ladylike as they come… when she wanted to be. But I saw the look she gave that asshole. I wouldn’t be surprised if she knew Jiu Jitsu or something. Probably could’ve taken him down all by herself, if I was reading her right.

Excitement roared in my middle. I couldn’t wait to get her alone so I could learn everything about her.

Warning bells rang in the back of my mind telling me to dip my toe in instead of diving headfirst. But damn if I listened.