Page 5 of Down Down Baby

Chapter Three


No hotdogs on sticks. Okay, I could do that. I’d feed Gia whatever she wanted in exchange for spending time with me. Because I wanted to know her.

I added hates corn dogs to my Things I Know About Gia list. It was short, but growing. She was curvy, a knockout, had a razor sharp sense of humor, and was apparently internet famous. At least that’s what I got from the quick web search on my phone when I heard one of the park guests say her first and last name.

I spent very little time on the internet unless I was ordering parts. My job kept me busy and in my spare time… well, I lived in paradise. Why have my nose stuck to a screen. The only thing I really needed in life that I didn’t already have was someone to share it with.

And I wasn’t finding that on the world wide web.

I hurried across the parking area, bee-lining it to the rollercoaster.

Thanks to the double dumbass twins, Todd and Jeff, I was late for my date with Gia. Those two weren’t actually related, but they might as well be sharing a brain. Neither could show up for their shift on time, and today was no different. It was all I could do to not knock their heads together when they finally clocked in.

I shook my head, recalling the conversation...

“It’s bad enough I got roped into running the line by myself when my actual job is working on the machines, not running them. But to work a two-man job by myself, for you two yahoos to be a half hour late relieving me is insulting.”

“Sorry, boss.” And damn if they didn’t say it in unison, looking anything but sorry. In fact, those two turds were smiling.

“Heard you got a date with some babe.” Todd winked, and I tried not to let my scowl slip. They pissed me off on the daily, but they were good at heart. Eventually, they’d get their shit together.


“I heard she’s a fox, too. Real big booty.”

“Watch your mouth, Jeff. We don’t talk about guests like that. If you had any sense, you wouldn’t talk about a lady like that at all. Now, I’m out of here. Stay busy.”

“Okay, boss.” Again. At the same time. I wished they wouldn’t do that.

Those two ding-dongs had cut into my time by half. That meant I had to skip the shave. I ran my hand over my chin. A little scruffy. I hoped she was fine with some growth. If not, maybe I could change her mind by showing her all the wicked ways I could use whiskers to her advantage.

Slow down, damn it.

There was no need to rush into things with Gia.

Though I did need to get to that rollercoaster fast, before she gave up and left.

I practically sprinted to get back to her, only slamming on the brakes when I saw her waiting for me. She glanced at her phone and then at her surroundings, a little frown line forming between her eyes. A line I put there because I was fifteen minutes late.

What a shitty first impression.

She hadn’t spotted me yet, but just past her, I saw a man. His gaze was targeted on Gia, and his quick pace was closing in fast. He reached her before I did, and by the time I was close enough to hear, they were already in the middle of a conversation.

I frowned. Maybe she knew him.

But his words told me a different story...

“You don’t have to be such a bitch about it. I just thought I’d ask. People like you shouldn’t be so picky.”

What the fuck did I just overhear?

“You didn’t ask me anything. You told me my ass was fat, and you’d like to bite it. There was no question in that. You’re gross, begone.” Gia stood with her arms crossed under her chest, mouth pulled down at the corners and the fingertips of one hand tapping on the opposite arm in annoyance.

The weaselly looking guy was obviously unwelcome. I knew just what to do with assholes like him. But first I would make him eat every nasty word he’d just said to Gia. Just a few more steps before…

“Whatever, you fat bitch. With a body like that, you think you’d have a personality to make up for it. But your attitude is just as messy as the rest of you. I wouldn’t waste my time with you, anyway.”