Page 4 of Down Down Baby

More faces peeked over the guardrail, all along the platform and down the stairs. I’d forgotten there was an entire line of people there and they were all watching our exchange.

I should have been used to people watching me. I was a social media influencer after all, but this felt like a very public viewing of a private affair, and embarrassment flooded my cheeks.

Which was weird. I didn’t get embarrassed.

“Actually, can you tell me where to find another machine? My friend is feeling a little sick after that ride and I just want to get her a bottle of water as quickly as possible.”

His eyebrows knit together in a quick frown, which was sexier than it should’ve been. Then he smiled, flashing his teeth.

Also sexy.

“Hang on a second.” He disappeared, leaving me looking up at the guard rail, wondering what he was doing.

“Aren’t you Gia Blackstone?” Someone called from the line on the stairs.

“Gia Blackstone? She’s here? Is she filming?”

“Gia’s here? Oh my God, I love her! I bought five outfits based on her size reviews online and they were perfect. She really knows how to dress curves. Gia, I love you!”

Oh boy. I wasn’t famous enough to get recognized instantly everywhere I went, but it happened and usually wasn’t a huge deal. I couldn’t see who was shouting at me because it came from several directions. I just knew they were on the stairs, so I smiled and waved at the line of people who were now all looking in my direction.

I just needed to get that water and get out of there. I didn’t need to bring a crowd of people back to Helena while she sat on a bench trying to recover.

“Here, catch.”

I looked up just in time to see that dark mop of hair and stubbled chin appear over the rail again. This time his upper body showed too, as he leaned over the side, something dangling from his hand.

A bottle of water.

“Are you ready?” He smiled, holding it out, preparing to drop it.

“Wow, you’re a livesaver. Yes.”

“Careful,” he said. “It’s ice cold and has condensation on it, so it’s slippery.”

“Oh, thank you very much. My friend will appreciate it.” I waited for him to drop the bottle so I could grab it. It wasn’t a super high drop, but I didn’t want it to bounce on the pavement and split open.

“I’d rather you appreciated it,” he said in that low voice again. Like he’d just told me a secret. Damn, that voice did something to me.


“How about you have dinner with me tonight? Shift ends at six thirty. Meet me back here at eight.” He waited for my answer, eyebrow raised in challenge.

“Are you really asking me out on a date, right now, with all these people watching?”

“Don’t mind us,” Someone yelled from the stairs. Mr. Dark T-shirt just grinned.

“Are you really expecting me to go out with you over a bottle of water?” I smiled, no heat in my voice. He already knew I was going to say yes. We both did.

An elderly female voice echoed from the line of patrons. “Honey, if you won’t go, I’ll give you my water and take your place.”

I knew she was kidding, but like hell.

“Okay, I’ll meet you at eight. But no hot dogs on a stick—corn dogs are disgusting. Also, I don’t even know your name.”

“Heads up.” He let the bottle go in a gentle fall, straight down into my waiting hands. He was right. It was slippery with water droplets on the side. And cold.

The coaster that had been chugging steadily during our entire exchange rattled to a stop. I couldn’t see it on the platform, but I could hear the cars clattering and the metallic slide of the brakes activating.

“See you at eight.” With that, Mr. Dark T-shirt disappeared behind the railing again and the line moved forward as those exiting the ride left the platform on the other side.

What the hell just happened?

Apparently, I had a date with a guy I called Mr. Dark T-shirt. Kara would think it was hilarious.

It wasn’t until I was back at the bench and handing Helena the cold water that I saw the black marker on the side of the bottle. He’d labeled it just like anyone would when leaving their drink in a community work fridge. Perfect black letters spelled out Mr. Dark T-shirt’s real identity:


Damn. Even his name was sexy.