Page 65 of Cursed Beasts

I waited for him to elaborate, but he kissed my forehead before letting me down.

“Let’s get your stuff, and I’ll walk you back to your room,” he said, leading me back to my things. We packed quickly as I thought about what he said in another language. Latin and Spanish were the only other languages I knew, and I bet it might be French that he spoke to me.

The walk back to my room was quiet as he kept his hand on the small of my back. When we arrived at my door, I opened it, about to head inside, but I needed clarification.

“You believe me, right?” I asked.

He rested his hand on the top of the doorway, leaning down to look at me. His stance made him feel bigger, making me almost melt into a puddle with the urge to kiss him and see where the night might take us.

“Your answers are conflicting, but you were truthful when you said the rush of magic you felt with me was the first time you had felt magic within and the part about your family wanting to kill you.” He looked away before he looked back at me. “I think my wolf feels magic in you.”

“But I’ve never been able to do anything,” I said, confused.

“I think it might be something we need to explore, but I need to leave now before I shift by you. I don’t think I could forgive myself if I hurt you again.” He tucked a hair behind my ear, kissed my cheek, and then placed a soft peck on my lips.

“Goodnight Kit Kat,” he said, against my lips before I pulled him down for a proper goodnight kiss.

He groaned when I bit his bottom lip.

“Goodnight, Lucien,” I said, pulling away, shutting the door, seeing his eyes darken like he was ready for a chase.

Why did the thought of being chased in the woods sound like my ideal kind of night? Not just with Lucien, but with all of them.



“He kissed her, Aeon,” I growled, pacing outside the library looking inside the window, waiting for both of them to show up.

Lucien had been helping the Belladonna with her research, but I hadn’t seen anything that would suggest they were getting anywhere, except using the cauldron for goddess knows what.

I looked over at Aeon, seeing him completely stoic, feeling a little bad that I told him about the kiss Lu and the Belladonna had shared. It was my last-ditch effort to make sure Aeon didn’t believe her lies.

“We always knew Lucien was the more gullible one out of us. He is younger and hasn’t had time to live in the hard world they forced us to see with the war they forced us into.” Aeon’s voice was very monotone, and I wondered if I had broken him.

After they fell out of the window, I noticed Aeon was paying more and more attention to her. I overheard the conversation he had with Mr. Potter about her, making me nervous that he was going to take her side.

“I think we need to have a chat with her, maybe scare her a little more,” I said, when I saw Lucien walk into the library looking for her.

“Go, I’ll distract Lucien.” He took off without waiting for me.

I watched him walk up to Lucien before I slipped in, hoping to catch her as she was walking to the library. The hallway was quiet when I ventured out, but the sound of her and Mr. Potter talking was faint. The smell of venison made my mouth water, realizing it had been a couple days since I had eaten in my human form.

“Let me know if you need anything else,” Mr. Potter said, as I got closer to them.

Taking a chance that he had disappeared because I knew he wouldn’t approve of what I was about to do. I turned the corner when I knew she was close.

“Fuck!” she squealed, as she lifted the tray she had in her hands, spilling all the contents on herself.

She looked up, glaring at me while I smirked at her.

Gravy from the venison was falling like rivers down her chest into her shirt. I should have been prepared for anything except being hit with the tray. It was metal and clashed with the side of my head with a loud ring.

“You fucking asshole,” she snarled, swinging for me again before I stopped her, but she was faster than I was prepared for, punching me square in the face

How was she so fast?

She tried to hit me again before I caught her hand, squeezing it with my own until she cried out. She tried to hit me between my legs again, but I dodged the hit before she yanked her hand away, running from me, away from the library.