Page 66 of Cursed Beasts

“Run, Belladonna, because when I catch you, you’re going to regret everything,” I growled, running after her.

“Go fuck yourself, Zev!” she yelled, running out the front door.

I knew she was going to head back to the library, pushing myself so I ran into her. She had no choice but to go away from the library. She was fast and the person who had trained her was excellent.

Either I was getting complacent, or worse I was losing my ability to hunt. She was weaving in and out of the trees with a fluidity I admired. The shorts she had on were tight enough that I saw every curve of her, my wolf growled in appreciation.

Her foot got caught in a root, but she didn’t catch herself in time as her body launched forward from her momentum. I grabbed her before she hit the ground, spinning her around so I could pin her against a tree, but she used our movement to her advantage, dislodging my grip on her.

We both fell. She was about to get up when I reached for her as she kicked my hand away, but she went down a path that I knew led to nowhere.

I got up a little slower, seeing her run away from me, making my heart race faster.

“Come here, little Belladonna, you have nowhere to go,” I taunted, hearing her run to the opposite side that I knew held no exit.

“Shit,” she whispered to herself.

“You're cornered, Belladonna,” I said, as excitement coursed through me at the thought of catching her.

“Fuck you!” she yelled, trying to go to the other side but having the same luck.

From the conversation I overheard with Lucien and her, that could mean one of two things. She wanted to have sex with me, or she was displeased with me.

From her blooming scent, I would say it was probably both.

She came running, stopping on the path to look at me.

“You think I’m scared of a little wolf?” she taunted.

My laugh was dark, but I knew she was trying to deflect.

“You won’t get me to snap,” I said, taking one step closer.

“I mean, you’re such a cute thing, I should call you Fido.” She laughed as I scowled “Here, Fido! Here, boy!”

“Fido?” I growled, coming closer, not getting her reference.

“Maybe, Scooby Doo?” She took a step back. “I know the song. I could sing it for you.”

She was taunting me, even if it might end badly for her, but she had cornered herself. Lucien was nowhere in sight to save her.

“Talking nonsense won’t save you this time. I’ve got you cornered,” I said. My voice had taken on my wolf’s guttural sound.

The Belladonna snapped her fingers as I stepped past the big oak tree. “I got it. Sir Fluffington. You look adorable, like a big fluffy dog. Too much of a coward to actually catch me.”

I snapped forward at being called a coward and lunged towards her as she laughed, turning to my left through the small gap, but she wasn’t fast enough. Winding an arm around her waist, I slammed her into a tree with more force than I intended, making her cry out, but I was tired of her taunts. I wanted my catch now.

I wrapped a hand around her throat, pushing my body between her legs, so she couldn’t knee me again while I grabbed one hand, putting it above her head. She hit me with her loose arm, but I was too close for her to do any real damage to me.

“What do you have to say now?” I growled, feeling my body come alive with the hunt.

She struggled to get loose, bucking her body against mine that had me growing even harder. Chasing her through the woods had my stomach clenching with the need to fuck her against the tree until she screamed so loud, she lost her voice.

She was mine.

“You won’t escape,” I snarled, holding back from grounding myself against her. “Here is how it’s going to go.”

I squeezed her throat just a little tighter to make sure my point came across.