January 18, 2023, 2:39 p.m.
Demi: I’m still pissed at you
Asher: Why are you mad at me again?
Demi: you ate the last mozzarella stick at dinner last night
Asher: Oh right. I’m soooooo sorry, Angel Face. Please forgive me.
Demi: I forgive you for the mozzarella stick but I’ll never forgive you for the nickname
Demi: you can tryyyyy to make it up to me with ice cream later though ;)
Asher: Then try I will.
February 2, 2023, 9:12 a.m.
Demi: HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY *star eyes emoji*
Asher: I’m not gonna lie I totally forgot Groundhog Day existed
Demi: how dare you disrespect the groundhog this way
Asher: I’ll apologize to him if he comes out of his hole and predicts some warm weather for us.
Demi: fair enough
February 14, 2023, 4:40 p.m.
Demi: KADEN AND LO ARE ENGAGED *party emoji*
Asher: No shit.
Asher: Happy for them.
Demi: no cynical comment about marriage from you? are you okay? have you been kidnapped? is your kidnapper hot?
Asher: No, just saving all my cynical comments for all the Valentines Day talk.
Demi: fair point
Demi: speaking of… I’m baking a ton of shit in honor of love day and my lack of it, feel free to come be my taste tester ;P
Asher: On my way.
March 1, 2023, 6:19 p.m.
Demi: Ohhhhh Asherrr
Demi: It’s women's history month!!!
Demi: and I am a woman, feminist, extraordinaire *hair flip emoji*
Demi: so I think it’s only fair that you honor me by picking up my favorite sushi and bringing it to me :)
Asher: Always with the excuses to see me.