“Usually, that’s exactly what it means. He gets you in the breakup. You were his friends first,” I said.

“You were his friend first, so I’m not sure how that works. We don’t care. We’re taking you out and not taking no for an answer,” Amber said and pulled me out of my chair.

I had no choice but to go with them. I still had a few more months left in the city. I didn’t want to spend it alone. If I could still keep the friendship with them, then I would gladly do it. I didn’t think about how it would still give me some connection to Brody.

We walked to a bar across the street from me named “McCarthy’s.” I had seen it numerous times but never thought to stop in. When I walked inside, it reminded me of Mustang Sally’s, and it only made me miss Brody even more. There were the typical neon signs that littered the walls, along with a few flat-screen televisions. They all were playing some sort of game. The bar was done in a large square in the middle of the establishment and took up most of the space. There were bar stools all along it, and most of them were taken along with the smattering of tables along the outside.

Grace walked up to the bar like she owned the place and sat on one of the stools. She looked over at Amber and me. Amber immediately followed suit and sat down on one side of Grace, and I did the same.

“Three shots of Tullamore Dew, please,” Grace said to the bartender as soon as she came up to us.

“Coming right up,” she said with a smile that showed she was impressed.

“Going right to the hard stuff, huh?” Amber asked.

“Why not? We’re here to drink. Let’s drink,” Grace said.

“I don’t think I’ve ever done a shot,” I said softly.

Grace turned and looked at me, but she didn’t seem surprised by my comment. “Cool, we get to be your first. Have you had Irish Nachos?” she asked.

“No,” I admitted.

“Even better, we can have those and a few pretzels,” Grace said.

The bartender came back with our drinks, and Grace ordered us some food. Grace took her shot glass, leaned back, and looked over at Amber, who did the same, and then me. I wasn’t as quick to take the shot, and I looked at it for a second as if I wasn’t sure what to do with it.

“It won’t bite,” Amber said and lifted her glass. “Cheers.”

“Cheers,” Grace said and lifted her glass.

I looked at them and told myself I had come to the city to try new things; this was something new. I lifted my glass up and touched it to theirs. They brought their drink to their lips and downed it in one gulp. I closed my eyes and did the same. The shot was smooth and went down easier than I would have thought. That was until I swallowed and felt like I had been drinking gasoline.

“It packs a punch at the end, doesn’t it?” Grace said after I finished coughing.

“That it does,” I said with a hoarse voice.

“Want another?” Amber asked.

“No, Yes,” I said quickly.

“Good answer,” Grace said and lifted her hand to get the bartender's attention.

Two shots later, I was feeling no pain and was laughing with Amber and Grace like we were old friends. I had never understood anyone’s love for alcohol before, but I was understanding it and then some with them. Grace filled us in on the preparations for her wedding, and Amber piped in on hers. I could see how happy they were with their men and the life they had before them.

Hearing them talk, seeing how they were, how they were still able to have their own lives and not think that it was being taken over by their soon-to-be-husbands, made me think of Brody. I hadn’t known any of them very long, but I could see how much Eric and Logan were like Brody, or he was like them. He would never hold a woman back from doing what she wanted to do.

I started to wonder if there could be a way that I could make it work with Brody. I had just assumed that we wouldn’t, and I hadn’t given us a chance. I just assumed we would fail because I expected us to. I thought back to how he had been when we were in my apartment and how sure he was in not only his love for me but in us. Had I been a fool and thrown away the best thing that could have ever happened to me?

“You got awfully quiet,” Grace said.

I turned and looked at her, and it took me a minute to focus on her. I gave her a slow smile, and then I could feel the tears forming and couldn’t stop them.

“Hey. Hey. None of that,” Grace said and pulled me into a hug.

“Why did you make her cry?” Amber asked and rushed over to my other side.

“I didn’t. At least I don’t think I did,” Grace said.