“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Amber asked.
“I think I made a horrible mistake.” I wailed.
“About what?” Grace asked.
“I think she’s talking about Brody,” Amber whispered loudly over my shoulder.
“She better be,” Grace said.
“I am,” I said.
“Are you sure it isn’t the alcohol talking?” Amber asked.
“Shh, don’t ask her that. She’s about to get back together with the man she should be with. Don’t ruin it,” Grace said and patted my shoulder.
“Oh, right. You’re fine and making perfect decisions,” Amber said with a nod.
“Maybe I should sober up,” I said.
“No. You’re going with your feelings, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Brody has been miserable all week. He’s usually the happiest, easiest-going guy I know, but he hasn’t been any of that. He feels horrible about what he did, and he’s afraid he pushed you away,” Grace said.
“He kind of did, but it was so much. He just vomited everything he was feeling on me and just looked at me like I was supposed to accept it,” I said.
“They say money changes people, but it really didn’t with the guys. I didn’t know them before, but it doesn’t matter to them. It’s why they don’t tell people. I swear it’s like they forgot they even have it,” Amber said.
“That’s easy to say when you have it,” I said.
“It isn’t easy to say because my family has it. I grew up around people who let money dictate their lives, and the guys haven’t. Brody is the same man you knew when you were younger; he just has a more disposable income,” Amber said.
“I don’t know if I can live in New York City, but I think I can try for him,” I admitted.
“Who said anything about you staying in New York City?” Grace asked.
“Why wouldn’t he want to stay here?” I asked.
“Because it isn’t where you want to be. He’s been talking to his sister about coming back to Oregon and what that would mean,” Grace said.
“He did?” I asked dreamily.
“Yes. He said he loved you; he means it. Do you think he would want you to be miserable just to make him happy?” Grace asked.
“He might not be happy in Oregon. I don’t want him to be miserable because of me,” I said.
“That’s something that you two need to figure out together,” Grace said.
“You might be right,” I said.
“Then you need to go and talk to him,” Amber said.
“Speaking of, Eric is calling me. I can find out where Brody is so you can fix this tonight,” Grace said. “Hello, my lover,” she said into the phone. She smiled as she did, then her eyes got big, and I could see that whatever Eric was telling her was not good.
Chapter 27
I wasn’t sure why Sean had called and wanted to meet us but I had a feeling it had to do with Denton and his case. I knew that Eric had called Grace and wanted her and Amber to come back to the bar. I had not counted on seeing Zoey with them. I certainly wasn’t prepared for the sock in the gut I got upon seeing her.
She was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and would be until my dying day. Her hair was a little messed up, as if she had been running her hands through it. It reminded me of when I had done the same thing and the look on her face when I did. She was wearing what I considered her work outfit of brown slacks and a black top. The top three buttons of the top were undone, something she never would have done if she was at work.