Page 76 of Vows and Vendettas

We stick close to the side of the house as we move around toward the front. Again, there’s no person or car to be seen.

“They put a bag over my head. But I heard them leave after they dropped us off here with him. I heard one of them say they’d be back in a bit.”

I take in the area. We are out in the middle of nowhere. There are a few trees, but it’s the desert, which means there isn’t much to hide behind. I pull out my cell phone and see I have a signal. It’s weak but hopefully enough for Andrei to track me and get here before someone else does. We move forward in the darkness, keeping one foot in front of the other as we head down what I’m sure is a long driveway.

Finally, we reach the main roadway, and I turn to look in all directions. Mountains are in front of us. But to the left, I can make out the light pollution of Las Vegas in the distance.

“That way.” I point and start walking. I’m on a mission to get us away from here. I’m practically dragging Lennon because she just wants to give up. I know she’s in shock from what she witnessed at the house.

“I’m sorry,” she says so quietly I’m not sure I heard it. I stop and turn to look back at her.

“I know.”

“I didn’t mean for this all to happen.” She waves her hands around us in the darkness. A coyote yips in the distance, and she jumps toward me. I wrap my arms around her. She is, after all, my sister.

“I promise we’ll get out of this.” I step back.

“How?” She looks down at me. “No one knows where we are.” I can hear the frustration in her voice as it raises in pitch. She’s practically screeching.

I pull my cell from my pocket. I show it to her then look down and notice the signal is strong. It’s now or never. I dial his number.

“Where are you, ptitsa?” he growls in greeting.

“I don’t know.” I look around for a mile marker or something. “We are on a dark road. I can see Vegas in the distance, and the mountains are next to us.”

“I’m on my way. I love you,” he says, and I do everything I can not to break in that moment.

The sob comes out with no warning. “I killed him,” I cry into the phone.

“Sparrow,” he says my name firmly. “You can do this, and you did what you had to.” He doesn’t question who or why, he just supports me.

“Someone is coming.” I hang up the phone as he’s yelling my name. I look down my body and see all the blood. I probably look like Carrie.

I step off the road and crouch behind a small stand of rocks and trees. I know how dangerous this could be with snakes and other critters, but we need this ride.

“Where are you going?” Lennon panics.

“Get them to stop and get us some help,” I order her.

“What if it’s them?”

I’m worried about that too. But I also know now that I can reach Andrei, we are safe.

“Trust that it isn’t.” I turn my back, hoping this is the right decision.

The car screeches to a halt.

“Sparrow,” is yelled, and I turn around to see him moving toward me. He pauses only for a moment before his arms are around me.

“Don’t touch her!” I hear a gun cock.

I turn to look over Andrei’s shoulder and find Dimitri in a standoff with Bronwyn. Dmitri has Lennon in his arm, cradling her body to his. With his free hand, he has a gun aimed at Bronwyn as my father tries to take Lennon from him.

“Nyet,” he growls before he moves to the back of the car while still holding her.

Andrei lifts me up and carries me to the car too. Bronwyn sits in the front passenger seat, and Mikhail climbs into the driver’s seat.

“How many bodies?” Mikhail asks, looking in the rearview mirror at me. I look down at myself and try not to cringe.